| Fjodor Dubensky, Dimitry Bortnyansky, Strokin Music from Russian Monasteries & Churches Genres: Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (18) - Disc #1- Our Father (Otche nash)
- Heavenly powers serve now invisibly with us (Nine sily nebesnija)
- Akathistos for the Holiest Mother of God: Extract
- O most marvellous miracle (O prezlavnoye tchudese)
- Let us, O Lord, keep this evening without sin (Spodobi Gospodi)
- God is with us (S nami Bog)
- Cherubim Hymn No. 7 in D major (Kheruvimskaia pesn)
- All the angels in heaven do rejoice and every man on earth (Raduiutsia vsi angeli na nebesi)
- Canaon of matins for Christmas morning (Rozhdiestvenskogo kanona): Fragment
- Stichire for the feast of the Nativity
- Hear, O Lord, my voice, and receive my prayer (Uslishi, Bozhe, glas moi)
- Christ is risen from the dead (Nachalo Paschi)
- Friendly light of holy splendor (Svete tichiy)
- Glory be to God on high and peace on earth to all men! (Slava v vishnich Bogu)
- Deliver O God Thy People
- Great and Glorious Is the God of Zion (Kol' slaven nash)
- Heaven and earth, rejoice, for Christ is born! (Nebo i zemlia)
- For many years (Mnogaya lieta)