Overture - Nicolaus Estherhazy Sinf/Michael Halasz
Act I, Scene I. No.1 Intro: Notte E Giorno Faticar - Renato Girolami/Adrianne Pieczonka/Bo Skovhus/Janusz Monarcha
Act I, Scene II. Recitativo: Leporello, Ove Sei? - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act I, Scene III. Recitativo: Ah Del Padre In Periglio - Adrianne Pieczonka/Torsten Kerl
Act I, Scene III. No.2 Recitativo Accompagnato E Duetto: Ma Qual Mai S'offre, Oh Dei - Adrianne Pieczonka/Torsten Kerl
Act I, Scene III. Duetto: Fuggi, Crudele, Fuggi! - Adrianne Pieczonka/Torsten Kerl
Act I, Scene IV. Recitativo: Orsu, Spicciati Presto - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act I, Scene V. No.3 Aria: Ah Chi Mi Dice Mai - Regina Schorg/Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act I, Scene V. Recitativo: Chi E La? Stelle? Che Vedo! - Regina Schorg/Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act I, Scene V. No.4 Aria: Madamina, Il Catalogo E Questo - Renato Girolami
Act I, Scene VI. Recitativo: In Questa Forma Dunque - Regina Schorg
Act I, Scene VII. No.5 Chor: Giovinette Che Fate All'amore - Ildiko Raimondi/Boaz Daniel/Hungarian Radio Chor
Act I, Scene VIII. Recitativo: Manco Male E Partita - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami/Ildiko Raimondi/Boaz Daniel
Act I, Scene VIII. No.6 Aria: Ho Capito, Signor Si - Boaz Daniel
Act I, Scene IX. Recitativo: Alfin Siam Liberati - Bo Skovhus/Ildiko Raimondi
Act I, Scene IX. No.7 Duettino: La Ci Darem La Mano - Ildiko Raimondi/Bo Skovhus
Act I, Scene X. Recitativo: Fermati Scellerato - Regina Schorg/Ildiko Raimondi/Bo Skovhus
Act I, Scene X. No.8 Aria: Ah Fuggi Il Traditor - Regina Schorg
Act I, Scene XI. Recitativo: Mi Par Ch'oggi Il Demonio Si Diverta - Bo Skovhus/Torsten Kerl/Adrianne Pieczonka
Act I, Scene XII. Recitativo: Ah Ti Ritrovo Ancor/No.9 Qt: Non Ti Fidar, O Misera - Adrianne Pieczonka/Regina Schorg/Torsten Kerl/Bo Skovhus
Act I, Scene XII. Recitativo: Povera Sventurata! - Bo Skovhus
Act I, Scene XIII. No.10 Recitativo Accompagnato Ed Aria: Don Ottavio, Son Morta! - Adrianne Pieczonka/Torsten Kerl
Act I, Scene XIII. Aria: Or Sai Chi L'onore - Adrianne Pieczonka
Act I, Scene XIV. Recitativo: Come Mai Creder Deggio - Bo Skovhus
Track Listings (26) - Disc #2
Act I, Scene XV. Recitativo: Io Deggio Ad Ogni Patto - Renato Girolami/Bo Skovhus
Act I, Scene XV. No.11 Aria: Fin Ch'han Dal Vino - Bo Skovhus
Act I, Scene XVI. Recitativo: Masetto: Senti Un Po'! - Ildiko Raimondi/Boaz Daniel
Act I, Scene XVI. No.12 Aria: Batti, Batti, O Bel Masetto - Ildiko Raimondi
Act I, Scene XVI. Recitativo: Guarda Un Po' Come Seppe - Boaz Daniel/Bo Skovhus/Ildiko Raimondi
Act I, Scene XVI. No.13 Finale: Presto Presto Pria Ch'ei Venga/Scene XVII - Boaz Daniel/Ildiko Raimondi/Bo Skovhus/Hungarian Radio Chor
Act I, Scene XVIII: Tra Quest Arbori Celata - Ildiko Raimondi/Bo Skovhus/Boaz Daniel
Act I, Scene XIX: Bisogna Aver Coraggio - Regina Schorg/Torsten Kerl/Adrianne Pieczonka/Renato Girolami/Bo Skovhus
Act I, Scene XIX: Protegga Il Giusto Cielo - Adrianne Pieczonka/Torsten Kerl/Regina Schorg
Act I, Scene XX: Riposate, Vezzose Ragazze - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami/Boaz Daniel/Ildiko Raimondi
Act I, Scene XX: Venite Pur Avanti - Renato Girolami/Bo Skovhus/Adrianne Pieczonka/Regina Schorg/Torsten Kerl/Boaz Daniel/Ildiko Raimondi
Act I, Scene XX: Ecco Il Birbo - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami/Torsten Kerl/Regina Schorg/Adrianne Pieczonka/Ildiko Raimondi/Boaz Daniel
Act I, Scene XX: Trema, Trema O Scellerato! - Adrianne Pieczonka/Regina Schorg/Ildiko Raimondi/Torsten Kerl/Boaz Daniel/Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act II, Scene I. No.14 Duetto: Eh, Via, Buffone, Non Mi Seccar - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act II, Scene I. Recitativo: Leporello! Signore? - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act II, Scene II. No.15 Terzetto: Ah Taci Ingiusto Core - Regina Schorg/Renato Girolami/Bo Skovhus
Act II, Scene II. Recitativo: Amico, Che Ti Par? - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act II, Scene III. Recitativo: Eccomi A Voi! - Regina Schorg/Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act II, Scene III. No.16 Canzonetta: Deh, Vieni Alla Finestra - Bo Skovhus
Act II, Scene III. Recitativo: V'e Gente Alla Finestra - Bo Skovhus
Act II, Scene IV. Recitativo: Non Ci Stanchiamo/No.17 Aria: Meta Di Voi Qua Vadano - Boaz Daniel/Bo Skovhus
Act II, Scene V. Recitativo: Zitto! Lascia Ch'io Senta: Ottimamente - Bo Skovhus/Boaz Daniel
Act II, Scene VI. Recitativo: Ahi Ahi! La Testa Mia - Boaz Daniel/Ildiko Raimondi
Act II, Scene VI. No.18 Aria: Vedrai, Carino - Ildiko Raimondi
Act II, Scene VII. Recitativo: Di Molte Faci Il Lume - Renato Girolami/Regina Schorg
Act II, Scene VII. No.19 Sestetto: Sola, Sola In Buio Loco/Scene VIII - Regina Schorg/Renato Girolami/Torsten Kerl/Adrianne Pieczonka
Track Listings (20) - Disc #3
Act II, Scene IX. Recitativo: Dunque Quello Sei Tu - Ildiko Raimondi/Torsten Kerl/Regina Schorg/Boaz Daniel
Act II, Scene IX. No.20 Aria: Ah, Pieta, Signori Miei! - Renato Girolami
Act II, Scene X. Recitativo: Ferma, Perfido, Ferma! - Regina Schorg/Boaz Daniel/Ildiko Raimondi/Torsten Kerl
Act II, Scene X. No.21 Aria: Il Mio Tesoro Intanto - Torsten Kerl
Act II, Scene XI. Recitativo: Ah, Ah, Ah Questa Bona - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami/Janusz Monarcha
Act II, Scene XI. No.22 Duetto: O Statua Gentilissima - Renato Girolami/Bo Skovhus/Janusz Monarcha
Act II, Scene XII. Recitativo: Calmatevi, Idol Mio! - Torsten Kerl/Adrianne Pieczonka
Act II, Scene XII. No. 23 Recitativo Accompagnato E Rondo: Crudele! Ah No, Mio Bene - Adrianne Pieczonka
Act II, Scene XII. Rondo: Non Mi Dir - Adrianne Pieczonka
Act II, Scene XII. Recitativo: Ah, Si Segua Il Suo Passo - Torsten Kerl
Act II, Scene XIII. No.24 Finale: Gia La Mensa E Preparata - Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act II, Scene XIV: L'ultima Prova - Regina Schorg/Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami
Act II, Scene XIV: Ah, Signor Per Carita - Renato Girolami/Bo Skovhus
Act II, Scene XV: Don Giovanni, A Cenar Teco - Janusz Monarcha/Bo Skovhus/Renato Girolami/Hungarian Radio Chor
Act II, Final Scene: Ah Dove E Il Perfido - Adrianne Pieczonka/Regina Schorg/Ildiko Raimondi/Torsten Kerl/Boaz Daniel/Renato Girolami
Act II, Final Scene: Or Che Tutti, O Mio Tesoro - Torsten Kerl/Adrianne Pieczonka/Regina Schorg/Ildiko Raimondi/Boaz Daniel/Renato Girolami
Act II, Final Scene: Questo E Il Fin - Adrianne Pieczonka/Regina Schorg/Ildiko Raimondi/Torsten Kerl/Boaz Daniel/Renato Girolami
Appendix: No.10a Aria: Dalla Sua Pace - Torsten Kerl
Appendix: No.21a Duetto: Per Queste Tue - Renato Girolami/Ildiko Raimondi
Appendix: No.21b Recitativo Accompagnato Ed Aria: In Quali Eccessi - Regina Schorg
This recording of Mozart's Don Giovanni would be worth acquiring even if it sold at full price: as a bargain issue, it's almost a dream release. From the explosive opening bars through to the final epilogue, the reading is... more » dramatically high-voltage. Conducted by Michael Halasz at energized tempi, it has room to breathe in a spacious recording ambience, which means that numbers like "Fin ch'han dal vino" register as something more than a garbled blur. The orchestral playing is crisp and alert, with clear projection of some often bypassed inner detail (like the cello underlay to "Batti, batti"); the ensemble singing is distinguished; and the solos come with real finesse--especially from Adrianne Pieczonka, whose Donna Anna is disarmingly bright, fresh, and youthful in a way that for once explains what Giovanni sees in her. Regina Schorg's Elvira is a touch stern with a wide vibrato but no matter: it's a fine voice. And there's a superb Ottavio from Torsten Kerl: a name you won't know but should listen for. Neither of the two main roles, alas, quite squares up vocally to the best available on disc: Renato Girolami's Leporello doesn't shine for the recording, and Bo Skovhus--an accomplished Giovanni, as already heard on the Mackerras version--has a clouded tone that loses focus. But they both deliver theater, almost to excess. Caveat emptor: this is a Prague edition reading as opposed to the usual mix of Prague and Vienna, which means that two of the most celebrated numbers--"Dalla sua pace" and "Mi tradi"--are consigned to an appendix; and the booklet gives you the libretto in Italian only, no translation. Otherwise, this recording gets a general and enthusiastic thumbs-up. --Michael White« less
This recording of Mozart's Don Giovanni would be worth acquiring even if it sold at full price: as a bargain issue, it's almost a dream release. From the explosive opening bars through to the final epilogue, the reading is dramatically high-voltage. Conducted by Michael Halasz at energized tempi, it has room to breathe in a spacious recording ambience, which means that numbers like "Fin ch'han dal vino" register as something more than a garbled blur. The orchestral playing is crisp and alert, with clear projection of some often bypassed inner detail (like the cello underlay to "Batti, batti"); the ensemble singing is distinguished; and the solos come with real finesse--especially from Adrianne Pieczonka, whose Donna Anna is disarmingly bright, fresh, and youthful in a way that for once explains what Giovanni sees in her. Regina Schorg's Elvira is a touch stern with a wide vibrato but no matter: it's a fine voice. And there's a superb Ottavio from Torsten Kerl: a name you won't know but should listen for. Neither of the two main roles, alas, quite squares up vocally to the best available on disc: Renato Girolami's Leporello doesn't shine for the recording, and Bo Skovhus--an accomplished Giovanni, as already heard on the Mackerras version--has a clouded tone that loses focus. But they both deliver theater, almost to excess. Caveat emptor: this is a Prague edition reading as opposed to the usual mix of Prague and Vienna, which means that two of the most celebrated numbers--"Dalla sua pace" and "Mi tradi"--are consigned to an appendix; and the booklet gives you the libretto in Italian only, no translation. Otherwise, this recording gets a general and enthusiastic thumbs-up. --Michael White
CD Reviews
Up there with the best
Midnight Bouncer | fort myers, fl. | 06/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This Cd is a must have. its so underated and unseen because of so many other great composers. but forget about the others, Halasz is far ahead of all others in this classic Cd of great singers and music. Don't let this one slip by, it deserves a good listening to. The experiance is lasting."
Bruno L. Garzon | Chicago,IL | 05/03/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Adrianne Pieczonka is a godess. She is my favorite Donna Anna of all time and loved her in this performance. All the rest were pretty mediocre (except the brilliantly sung Donna Elvira of Regina Schorg) but she made up for them. Buy this CD with confidence.
If you like Adrianne than buy Don Giovanni by Glyndbourne or Don Giovanni by Muti with Carlos Alvarez and Michael Schade."