Search - Motion City Soundtrack :: Commit This to Memory

Commit This to Memory
Motion City Soundtrack
Commit This to Memory
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
  •  Track Listings (12) - Disc #1

Minneapolis's Motion City Soundtrack took the indie scene by storm with their 2003 debut, "I Am The Movie". This follow-up represents a major step forward, a breakthrough release in the tradition of Jimmy Eat World's "Blee...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: Motion City Soundtrack
Title: Commit This to Memory
Members Wishing: 0
Total Copies: 0
Label: Epitaph / Ada
Original Release Date: 1/1/2005
Re-Release Date: 6/7/2005
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Style: Hardcore & Punk
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPCs: 045778675029, 5021456133659, 8714092675023


Album Description
Minneapolis's Motion City Soundtrack took the indie scene by storm with their 2003 debut, "I Am The Movie". This follow-up represents a major step forward, a breakthrough release in the tradition of Jimmy Eat World's "Bleed American" or AFI's "Sing The Sorrow"; a masterpiece of pop harmonies and sing along choruses layered on top of their trademark angular guitars, loopy synths, and stop/start dynamics. Produced by Mark Hoppus (Blink 182).

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CD Reviews

Heads up, damage control!
JiggyT | Texas | 07/24/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)

"I picked up this album without having heard any songs on it beforehand, and I was very pleasantly surprised. Before judging the music, I think it's important to listen to it at least 3 or 4 times. Here's a general description of each song, since I see that no one has reviewed them individually yet (note: I'm rating them based on other MCS songs, not every song ever made):

1. Attractive Today - A very anthem-like and energetic start, it will get stuck in your head easily and you'll be wanting to hear it again and again. 8/10

2. Everything is Alright - Lyrically, a lot like A-OK from their previous album, but musically more upbeat. Extremely catchy and fun to sing along to. 8/10

3. When You're Around - An average song on this CD, very characteristic of their new sound. 5/10

4. Resolution - The lyrics are fun to sing along to, but the chorus is lacking. This is one of those songs in which the bridge and the rest of the song is better than the actual chorus. I really like the vocals in this song too. 6/10

5. Feel Like Rain - Both the music and the lyrics remind me of having fun, good memories, and good times to come. 8/10

6. Makeout Kids - One of my favorites, and I was sure this was the single when I first heard it, but I could be wrong. Its comparable to The Future Freaks Me Out from I Am the Movie: fun, upbeat, just the right amount of moog. "Armed with a plethora of insecurities, we keep each other amused." 9/10

7. Time Turned Fragile - Another favorite. Again, good amount of moog, and great lyrics. It changes pace several times, and keeps you interested. 9/10

8. LG Fuad - The best song on the CD. 10/10

9. Better Open the Door - It took me awhile to like this song; again, it's one of those in which the rest of the song is better than the actual chorus. But it grew on me. "I reach for the bottle and dissapear." 7/10

10. Together We'll Ring in the New Year - A slower song filled with angsty sentiment, perfect for when you're feeling anti-social..."These humans all suck, I'd rather be home, feeling violent and lonely." However, the way they're delivered feels genuine, and not emotionally contrived like many songs of its type. And the lyrics are amusing and original, also. But even though its an engaging song, it lacks the classic motion city soundtrack energy. 7/10

11. Hangman - My least favorite song. It doesn't stand out very much, and not as sing-alongable as the others. 3/10

12. Hold me Down - A slower song that picks up emotional energy as it progresses, like a snowball rolling down a hill. Again, it took awhile to grow on me, but the second half of this song is amazing, once it reaches the climax. And it has excellent imagery:

"You're the echoes of my everything, you're the emptiness the whole world sings at're the laziness of afternoon, the reason why I burst and why I bloom." 7/10

Overall, a very solid album, and currently my favorite one. I've had it for a few weeks, and it probably been played over 100 times. It's definitely worth the money, or at least giving it a try."
If All New Pop-Punk Were Like This, Punk Wouldn't Be Dying
bec | Sydney, Australia | 05/22/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)

"It was with a heavy heart that i finally came to accept that the days of the brilliant punk albums that came out of Epitaph from the mid '90's to early 2000's were over, and it was no use hoping for gems such as Rancid's Life Won't Wait; Pulley's @#!*; The Bouncing Souls' Hopeless Romantic; Osker's Idle Will Kill and the various NOFX albums of the time to reappear. i'm not sure what happened, but with the exception of punk veterans and all-round super-geniuses, Bad Religion - who continually produce brilliant punk albums (so long as Brett is a member) whilst retaining some street cred as well as staying true to their roots - for some reason the darlings of the Golden Years of Epitaph are now either releasing undeniably inferior works, or else falling off the map entirely. i personally blame it on the popularisation of punk by the likes of Simple Plan, Sum 41, Good Charlotte etc, who pretty much have seen to the dumbing down of the genre into teenage-angst set to music, as well as the complete abliteration of any underground credibility it once had. Maybe because of the young age of the members of these bands the relatively older punks in Rancid, NOFX, Pulley etc are starting to feel irrelevent and have regrettably changed their styles, but to terrible effect. so when i couldn't turn to my old favourites to consistently provide me with new songs that i could fall in love with, i had to bite the bullet and discover the new breed of "punks," which include Motion City Soundtrack. And what a godsend these guys are. lyrically they're intelligent and sincere, while musically they are slick and incredibly catchy - which are for me the ingredients for great music, whatever the genre. the days of punk music which is raw yet melodic, laced with biting intelligence and humour have all but gone, but if all new punk bands were like MCS, I wouldn't miss the 'good old days' of punk quite so much."
Well done pop-alt record
Chris Horvat | Edgewood, RI | 01/07/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)

"I can say that this is a markedly enjoyable album. Similarly to Panic! At the Disco's "A fever...", I found myself laughing out loud in places at the lyrics, which while sometimes serious, are so enjoyable they bring a smile to ones face. I especially enjoyed L.G. Fuad, and their slight slight towards emo. "When I comitted suicide... social suicide"

Even though they have poppy happy songs, their slow, emoish tracks, notably "Together Well ring in the New Year" are the ones that offer the most beautiful and insightful thoughts.

"These humans all suck, id rather be home feeling violent and lonely"

This album is an enjoyable trip of strong, crunchy guitars and a smooth, delicate and poppy vocalist. I strongly recommend this to those looking for a fun album to listen to over and over again."