| Mormon Tabernacle Choir Amazing Grace Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
Track Listings (22) - Disc #1- When in Our Music God Is Glorified - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Green, Fred Pratt
- The Church's One Foundation - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Stone, Sam
- Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound! - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Newton, John [Compo
- Hark, All Ye Nations! - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Monach, Louis F.
- The God of Abraham Praise - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, ben Judah, Daniel
- Each Life That Touches Ours for Good - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Davidson, Karen Lyn
- For All the Saints - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, How, William Walsha
- All Creatures of Our God and King - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, St. Francis of Assi
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Chisholm, Thomas O.
- Our Savior's Love - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Gates, Crawford
- Crown Him With Many Crowns - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Bridges, Matthew
- Lo, The Mighty God Appearing - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Goode, William
- All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Ellor, James
- Praise to the Lord, The Almighty - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Neander, Joachim
- Arise, O God, and Shine - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Darwall, John
- Lead on, O King Eternal - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Shurtleff, Edward
- Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Beethoven, Ludwig v
- Faith of Our Fathers - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Faber, Frederick W.
- O My Father - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, McGranahan, James
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Prichard, Roland Hu
- Where Can I Turn for Peace? - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Meredith, Joleen G.
- Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! - Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Dykes, John B.