| Joel Goldsmith, The Graunke Symphony Orchestra, Various Artists Moon 44 Genres: Pop, Soundtracks
Track Listings (18) - Disc #1- Main Title/Felix the Cop
- First Training Flight
- So Long Felix
- Navigator's Hang Up
- Armed and Dangerous No. 1
- Drones, Drones, Drones (But Not a Drop to Drink)
- Sykes Gets Caught
- Armed and Dangerous No. 2
- So You Like It Fast (Hard and Rough!)
- Jake to the Rescue/Joel's Outlandish Adventure
- Lee Bombs Out
- Welcome to Moon 44
- Taxi Driver ("You Talkin to Me?")
- The Cookie Crumbles/Bumpy Taxi Ride/The End of Moon 44
- Aftermath - Joel Goldsmith, Goldsmith, Jerry
- Heading for Earth
- Terry on the Moon/Finale
- Shut Out