| José Antonio López, Catalonian Anonymous, Antonio de Cabezon Misteri d'Elx: La Vespra Genres: Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (25) - Disc #1- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Fanfarria real
- Tiento del primo ton for organ
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Germanes mies, yo voldria
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Verge i Mare de D?u
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Ay, trista vida corporal!
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Gran desig m'?s vengut al cor
- Tiento de medio registro de tiple de 10th Tono
- Work(s): [Unspecified] Himno Ave Maria Stella
- Gloria Laus
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. D?u vos salv, verge imperial
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. ?ngel plaent e illumin?s
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Los ap?stols ass? seran
- Ave Maris Stella
- O Cruz
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Saluts, honor e salvament
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Ay, fill Joan e amich meu!
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Ay, trista vida corporal!
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Verge humil, flor de honor
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Ternari: O poder de l'alt imperi
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Salve regina princesa
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. O D?u, valleu! Y qu-?s ass?
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Los meus cars fills, puix sou venguts
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. O cos sanct glorificat
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Part 1. La Vespra. Araceli: Esposa e mare de D?
- Corrente Italiana: (introducci?