Mischa Spoliansky

CDs Mischa Spoliansky performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2011 - Cabaret Berlin Vol 4

Genre: Jazz
1997 - Ute Lemper - Berlin Cabaret Songs

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists
1997 - Ute Lemper - Berlin Caberet Songs

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists

CDs Mischa Spoliansky helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (32)

2013 - Joseph Schmidt Songs and arias from Schubert Strauss jr Verdi

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 - Jewish Cabaret in Exile

Genres: International Music, Pop, Classical
2008 - The Golden Age of Light Music Marching and Waltzing

Genres: Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Soundtracks, Classical
2008 - Berlin Songs of Love and War Peace and Exile

2007 - Ol' Man River

2007 - The Peerless Voice of Paul Robeson The Man They Couldn't Silence

2007 - Alfred Hitchcock Presents Music to Be Murdered By / Circus of Horrors (Original Soundtrack)

2006 - Deep River

2005 - The Voice of the Mississippi 20 Great Songs

2005 - The Magic of Wunderlich (Includes Bonus DVD)

2005 - A Song Goes Round The World
2005 - Great Voices of the 20th Century
2005 - 16 Most Requested Songs
2003 - Kabarett
2002 - The Comedy Harmonists Whistle While You Work
2002 - Opernsnger einmal anders
2002 - Cyril Stapleton and His Orchestra Just For You / Congress Dances
2001 - Ihre GroBen Erfolge
2001 - The Essential Paul Robeson
2001 - British Film Music Vol 3
1999 - Joseph Schmidt Songs and arias from Schubert Strauss jr Verdi
1998 - Shakespeare Othello
1998 - Lieder von Franz Schubert in historischen Aufnahmen
1998 - The Best of Ute Lemper
1997 - Auf Wiederseh'n
1997 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Jan Kiepura
1995 - Richard Tauber Sings German Folksongs
1993 - Jan Kiepura Vol 1
1993 - The Comedian Harmonists
1993 - Richard Tauber Sings Lieder of Schubert Schumann (Pearl)
1993 - Paul Robeson Sings Spirituals Folksongs and Hymns
1993 - Paul Robeson