
CDs Milhaud performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (68)

2010 - Suite for Clarinet / Violin Piano / Scaramouche

Genre: Classical
2010 - Paris The Spirit of Diaghilev Cocteau Stravinsky

Genre: Classical
2010 - Flying Saxophone Circus

Genre: Classical
2008 - Scaramouche Paris Bal Martiniquais Carnaval d'A

2005 - Symphony 1

2004 - Danse Des Morts / L'Homme Et Son Desir

2004 - French Clarinet Rhapsody/Various

2004 - Hommage a Jean Cocteau-Les Maries de LA Tour/Var

2002 - Bric-A-Brac French Piano Duet Music

2002 - Flute Music By Les Six

2002 - Modern Recorder Contemp Music for Recorder 6
2001 - Symphonie N3-Concerto Pour 2 Pianos-Concerto Pour
2001 - 9 Petites Symphonies - 3 Operas-Minutes
2000 - Twentieth Century Miniatures
2000 - Composers in Person Milhaud
2000 - Symphonies 10-12
2000 - Works for Symphonic Band
2000 - Suite Francaise/Sonatine/Les Printemps
2000 - Symphonies
2000 - Scaramouche
2000 - Orchestral Music By Milhaud Honegger
2000 - Music for Winds
1999 - Piano Duets
1999 - Sonata for Winds Piano Op 47
1999 - Three Pieces
1998 - String Quartets 16 2 7 13
1998 - Sonatina for 2 Violins
1998 - 2 Viola Sonatas Opp 240 244
1998 - Story of a Soldier
1998 - Concerto Piano/Fantasia Piano/Saudades De Br
1998 - Damoiselle Elue / La Mer / Saudades Do Brazil
1997 - Mitropoulos Volume 5
1997 - Melodies
1997 - Ebony Concerto / L'Hisoire Du Soldat / Creation
1997 - Milhaud Les Chophores Honegger Symphony No 5 Roussel Bacchus et Ariane
1997 - Leonard Bernstein The Early Years IV Stravinsky L'Histoire du Soldat Octet / Milhaud La Cration du Monde / Bernstein I Hate Music Afterthought Study for the ballet Facsimile
1997 - Complete Piano Works 3
1997 - Compete Piano Works 2
1997 - Complete Piano Works 1
1996 - French Favourites
1996 - Classic Jazz
1996 - Gymnopedies / Saudades Do Brasil
1996 - Symphony 3 Opus 271
1996 - Le Boeuf Sur Le Toit
1995 - Antonio Barbosa Pianist
1995 - Centenary Vol 5 Piano Cti Harp Cto
1995 - Le Retour De L'Enfant Prodigue
1995 - Prokofiev Classical Symphony Sinfonietta Milhaud La Cration du monde Debussy Sarabande Danse
1995 - Chamber Symphonies
1995 - Symphonies 5 6
1994 - Symphonies 7-9
1994 - Le Voyager Sans Bagage Op 157b
1994 - Six Little Symphonies
1994 - La Cheminee Du Roi Rene
1994 - Pacem in Terris / L'Homme Et Son Desir
1993 - Brazileira
1993 - Darius Milhaud Song Cycles - Alissa Op 9 L'Amour Chante Op 409 Poemes Juifs Op 34 (on poems of Andre Gide)
1993 - Carnaval D'Aix / Carnaval De Londres
1993 - Piano Works
1993 - Brasil
1993 - Violin Sonata 2 / Cello Sonata
1993 - Milhaud La cration du monde Le boeuf sur le toit Concerto pour harpe
1993 - Pacific 231 / Concerto De Printemps
1993 - Suite Provencale / Le Chateau Du Feu
1992 - Milhaud / Saxophone Orchestra Works
1992 - Rebounds for Percussion
1992 - Symphonies 1 2
1992 - Piano Music

CDs Milhaud helped create...

Currently Available CDs (2)

Brahms Clarinet Sonatas Op 120 Vaughn Williams Six Studies Milhaud Duo concertant

Genre: Classical
Brahms Clarinet Sonatas/Vaughan WilliamsSix Studies/Milaud Duo Concertant/Cohler BBC Music Vol III No 2

Currently Unavailable CDs (14)

2007 - John Solum - Live In Concert Works for Solo Flute

Genres: New Age, Classical
2007 - Bolen De Vries Piano Duo - Brahms Milhaud Poulenc Rachmaninoff

Genres: New Age, Classical
2007 - The Jazz Album- A Tribute to the Jazz Age

Genres: Pop, Classical
2006 - Music for Piano Orchestra

2005 - Chamber Music

2004 - 176 Keys to Europe (European Music for 2 Pianos 1900-1950)

2004 - Made in Paris

2004 - Flute Music by Les Six - Milhaud / Tailleferre / Auric / Poulenc / Honegger / Durey

2004 - French Clarinet Rhapsody/Various

2002 - 20TH Century French Russian Classics/Various

1998 - French Music of the 20th Century Poulenc/Milhaud/Messiaen
1996 - Festival Works by Copland Kohjiba and Milhaud / Copland Appalachian Spring / Kohjiba The Transmigration of the Soul / Milhaud La Creation du Monde / 1993 Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival / Ohyama
1992 - Dutilleux Le LoupPoulenc Les Biches Milhaud Creation
UBS Verier Festival Youth Orchestra Festival Highlights 2001