Product DescriptionMike is sick of hearing about how he's misleading people. So now is the opportunity for us to just put it out in the open for every imbecile who feels like they've been duped, fooled, tricked, hoodwinked and bamboozled. The tracks on this album and all of his previous works consist of him repeating a celebrity's name. NNMaddox (and sometimes (H)aig) then put a wacky backbeat to his vocal showcase. 16 tracks later, album DONE and shipped out to the masses. Now that I've told you all about what this album represents, I'd love to hear some of your moronic complaints. I've love for you to tell us how it's garbage and it's not music and it's wasting valuable (Virtual) space. Go on, do it! You know you're thinking it. Maybe it hasn't dawned on you that we know dang well that these albums are not the next coming of The Beatles or Bob Dylan. You say to yourself, "I could have done that." Well why didn't you, you idiot? Because you have so much to do with your time? I bet alot of you bozos are sitting there in front of your computer, parents owing thousands upon thousands of dollars, paying for you to go to school where you're not going to learn a thing. Get a job, you bums. Lou Reed said it best in Mistrial-an out-of-print, ultra-obscure album that you've probably never heard of, but will go search the Internet for now that I've dubbed it "cool." Anyway, in the title track he says: "There's some smarts that you learn down in the streets that a college education can't buy." Amen, brother. Wait, let me guess, are you "currently freelancing?" Are you "a full-time student?" How about "in between jobs?" Eat it, chumps. And then pick up this album. You'll love it.