| Mike Brewer Vaughan Williams: A Capella Choral Works Genres: Folk, Classical
Track Listings (20) - Disc #1- The Souls of the Righteous, motet for soprano, tenor, baritone & chorus
- Greensleeves, folk song for chorus (from the opera Sir John in Love)
- Shakespeare Songs (3) for chorus: Full Fathom Five
- Shakespeare Songs (3) for chorus: The Cloud-Capp'd Towers
- Shakespeare Songs (3) for chorus: Over Hill, Over Dale
- Prayer to the Father of Heaven, motet for chorus
- Mass for soloists & chorus in G minor: Kyrie
- Mass for soloists & chorus in G minor: Gloria
- Mass for soloists & chorus in G minor: Credo
- Mass for soloists & chorus in G minor: Sanctus & Osanna 1
- Mass for soloists & chorus in G minor: Benedictus & Osanna 2
- Mass for soloists & chorus in G minor: Agnus Dei
- O Vos Omnes ('Is it Nothing to You?'), motet for alto & chorus
- Ca' the yowes, folk song for tenor & chorus
- Love Is a Sickness, song for chorus
- Elizabethan Songs (3), partsongs for chorus: Sweet Day
- Elizabethan Songs (3), partsongs for chorus: The Willow Song
- Elizabethan Songs (3), partsongs for chorus: O mistress mine
- Silence and Music, song for chorus (from collaborative work 'A Garland for the Queen')
- Hearts Music, song for chorus