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Punditz Modern Desert Rat | Black Rock | 04/04/2009 (5 out of 5 stars) "If you are already a fan of the Midival Punditz, then this album might take some getting used to. Then again - maybe not - I fell in love after one listen, The first two discs were a solid mix of classic Indian elements fused with electronic feeling - this effort is, at times, the opposite - we hear the dominant sounds of the production and electronics over the influence of the same elements. The emphasis shifts at times. That being said, after listening to this album, and I mean really listening to it, I feel it is the logical evolution of their sound and it truly showcases their talent.
Most notably on "Electric Universe" and "Atomizer" (tracks 1 and 3) where the beat and production is easily the dominant force.
2- "Tonic" is one of the most unique track I have heard in a long time - by the time it ends, it has evolved from a mix of Indian influenced beat to a slow multi-lingual "rap". Do not be put off by my use of that word - I use it only to describe the flow of the lyrics.
4- The Led Zeppelin (yes - Led Zeppelin) cover - "Four Sticks" is a tune that I will probably be throwing onto every playlist I make for the next year.
5- With "Naina Laagey" - the Punditz are back into territory that most of their fans are very familiar with - a more soulful tune sung in their own language. Very appealing to moments where a more mellow mood is desired.
6- The track "Drifting" is an instrumental whose title is very descriptive for the feeling the song gives you. Not in a bad way - I listened to this on headphones and to describe it is really to difficult - layers upon layers of music, ideas shift, and it does take you on a journey of sorts. A definite highlight track.
7- "Desolate" - I LOVE this track. It starts with a slow, almost ominous feel, whispered words, overlayered with ululating voices, into a sound that builds in to a solid wall of danceable music... but we are not talking about you standard type of dance - this inspires sex on the dancefloor - each movement is like a journey to the next door closer to climax. If you let the song take you over while in motion - you might get yourself into trouble. Babies will be made to this track.
8- "Sun Mere Sanam" is a very mellow follow-up to "Desolate". You need to listen to this track a second time without hearing "Desolate" immediately preseding - or else you just won't appreciate it's beauty. Trust me on this one.
9- "Har Ek Baat" - Oh yes! We have here a definite kick-off with a Bhangra beat. Very good tune mixing elements of traditional Bhangra with the electronic. Another song to get the groove going to. This tune shows a definite maturing of the Midival Punditz - as the song progresses - listen for the production shifts it goes through - instruments brought forward and dropped back in perfect time. This is bound to be a classic.
10- With "The Lucky One" - we are reminded of the first few songs of the album - this piece feels much more trace-like than the middle-passage of this disc. Honestly - though pretty good - this tracks gets the lowest marks on the album for me.
11- The last track is an unexpected treat - an acoustic version of "Electric Universe". I have to give these guys a big thumbs up for this rendition - the acoustic talent and lyrical content proves one thing - the Midival Punditz have a talent for writing great music.
This is the best album to date - IMHO. The ordering of the songs is simply brilliant - by starting out with tracks that are going to appeal to Western ears, they gently bring the unitiated into their own world. This album should win them new fans around the globe - providing radio stations will paly it - or we get enough people spreading the word.
My final thought - BUY THIS ALBUM!"