| Michalis Terzis Road to Olympia Genres: International Music, Pop
Track Listings (15) - Disc #1- O Dromos Gia Tin Olympia (The Road to Olympia)
- Orizontas Tou Aigaiou (Aegean Horizon)
- Pezondas Me Tin Skia Moy I (Playing With My Shadow I)
- To Zeibekiko Tou Kapetan Michali (Captain Michalis' Zeibekiko)
- Odos Athinas (Athena's Street)
- Antichisis (Echo)
- To Petagma Tis Chelidonas (Flight of the Swallow)
- Serenata No. 2 (Serenade)
- Pezondas Me Tin Skia Moy II (Playing With My Shadow II)
- Monastiraki (Name of the Most Famous Flea Market in Athens)
- I Armonia Tis Kardias (Harmony of the Heart)
- Proino Sto Sounion (Morning in Cape Sunion)
- Hellenikos Kinimatografos Toy 70 (Greek Cinema '70s)
- Mia Vradia Stin Plaka (A Night in Plaka)
- Likavitos (Name of a Hill in Athens)