Product DescriptionHere is the three-volume release of The Manual, written by Michael Ocean and his compatriots, a group of mildly energized musicians with over 1,976 combined weeks of musical experience.
The Manual explores many undiscovered quandaries and theorem, including why the Statue of Liberty is not at all able to read in black and white (Fistful of Color, Lady Liberty), the long-term effects of spider bites on body rockers (Tarantism Pt. 1 & 2), how some might mistake Martin Luther as the king (Negro, Diet of Worms), and also the select adventures of Georgie (Cin, Why d You Do Us Wrong?).
The Manual comes with a hand-stamped and paper-inspired cover, as well as a #2 pencil. Its package is four color and hand-crafted without abandon. This compact disc s messages are best enjoyed through headphones and only in furtive doses. For your own benefit, not ours.