Haunting - like life, examined
C. McCumber | Reno, NV | 11/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My parents flirted with Hedges as I was growing up, playing Breakfast in the Field and Live on the Double Planet every so often, and so when, at the age of 15 or so, the news caster played a clip of his "Because it's There" in memory of his life and death, I recognized the song and immediately went and searched out the cds which had floated in and out of my childhood.
Thankfully, both were still intact, and Breakfast in the Field soon became an album I was never without. This remains true, having replaced it a few times after losing or giving it away. And it is an album I will have until I die.
My favorites are The Happy Couple, Baby Toes, Two Days Old, and Lenono - and yet I can start the album at any point and listen, enthralled, until it ends. Each track is gorgeous, and each is incredibly different. And different from anything else you'll ever hear, especially with the added bonus of Michael Manring on multiple tracks (his additions inspiring me to buy a fretless bass).
This is one of those albums that, as another reviewer has said, will bring you to tears. He (the reviewer) is a year older than my 23 years - and here are two grown, but still young men talking about crying over another man with an acoustic guitar.
Just take some time and listen. By yourself, in a dark room, as the snow falls outside. It will find you."