| Handel, Harnoncourt Messiah Hlts Genres: Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (14) - Disc #1- Der Messias: Symphony (Grave - Allegro moderato)
- Der Messias: Tenor: 'Comfort ye' ' Ev'ry Valley'
- Der Messias: Chor: 'And The Glory Of The Lord'
- Der Messias: Alt: 'O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion'
- Der Messias: Chor: 'For Unto Us A Child Is Born'
- Der Messias: Sopran: 'And Suddenly There Was With The Angel'
- Der Messias: Chor: 'Glory To God'
- Der Messias: Sopran: 'Rejoice Greatly'
- Der Messias: Chor: 'Behold The Lamb Of God'
- Der Messias: Alt: 'He Was Despised'
- Der Messias: Chor: 'Hallelujah'
- Der Messias: Sopran: 'I Know That My Redeemer Liveth'
- Der Messias: Bass: 'Behold, I Tell You A Mystery' 'The Trumpet Shall Sound'
- Der Messias: Chor: 'Worthy Is The Lamb'