| Mendelssohn, Corboz, Gulbenkian Orch Mendelssohn: Psalms 42 / 95 & 115 Genre: Classical
Track Listings (17) - Disc #1- Psalm 42 ('As pants the hart'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in F major, Op. 42: Choeur: Wie der Hirsch schreit
- Psalm 42 ('As pants the hart'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in F major, Op. 42: Aria: Meine Seele d?rstet nach Gott
- Psalm 42 ('As pants the hart'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in F major, Op. 42: R?citatif: Meine Tr?nen sind meine Speise
- Psalm 42 ('As pants the hart'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in F major, Op. 42: Aria: Denn ich wollte gern hingehen
- Psalm 42 ('As pants the hart'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in F major, Op. 42: Choeur: Was betr?bst du dich, meine Seele
- Psalm 42 ('As pants the hart'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in F major, Op. 42: R?citatif: Mein Gott, betr?bt ist meine Seele
- Psalm 42 ('As pants the hart'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in F major, Op. 42: Quintette: Der Herr hat des Tages verhei?en sein
- Psalm 42 ('As pants the hart'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in F major, Op. 42: Choeur: Was betr?bst du dich, meine Seele
- Psalm 95 ('Come Let us Sing'), for tenor, chorus & orchestra in E flat major, Op. 46: Choeur et t?nor solo: Kommt, la?t uns anbeten
- Psalm 95 ('Come Let us Sing'), for tenor, chorus & orchestra in E flat major, Op. 46: Choeur: Kommt herzu, la?t uns dem Herrn frohloc
- Psalm 95 ('Come Let us Sing'), for tenor, chorus & orchestra in E flat major, Op. 46: Duetto: Denn in seiner Hand
- Psalm 95 ('Come Let us Sing'), for tenor, chorus & orchestra in E flat major, Op. 46: Choeur et t?nor solo: Denn sein ist das Meer
- Psalm 95 ('Come Let us Sing'), for tenor, chorus & orchestra in E flat major, Op. 46: Choeur et t?nor solo: Heute, so ihr seine Stimm
- Psalm 115 ('Non Nobis, Domine'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in G minor, Op. 31: Choeur: Nicht unserm Namen, Herr
- Psalm 115 ('Non Nobis, Domine'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in G minor, Op. 31: Duo et choeur: Israel hofft auf dich
- Psalm 115 ('Non Nobis, Domine'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in G minor, Op. 31: Arioso: Er segne euch
- Psalm 115 ('Non Nobis, Domine'), for soloists, chorus & orchestra in G minor, Op. 31: Choeur: Die Toten werden dich nicht loben