Melchior Franck

CDs Melchior Franck helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2008 - Medieval and Renaissance Minstrels Songs Dances

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Folk, International Music, Special Interest, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (12)

2018 - Knabenchor collegium iuvenum Stuttgart Christmas Lullaby

Genre: Opera & Classical Vocal
2017 - Back Before Bach Musical Journeys

Genre: Classical
2006 - Die liebe Maienzeit Folk Songs and Convivial Choral Songs from the 16th Century

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2006 - Wenn Engel musizieren (When Angels Make Music)

2000 - Siehe meine Freundin du bist schn Music based on texts from the Song of Songs

2000 - Melchior Franck Paradisus Musicus

1997 - Festive Music of Rudolphian Prague

1996 - Dramatic Gospel Motets - Melchior Franck Andreas Raselius Ernst Pepping et al

1996 - Angst der Hellen und Friede der Seelen

1995 - Hell brennt ein Licht Taiz Songs Vol 3

1995 - German Baroque Trombone Music
1995 - Martin Luther The Music