"Before listening to this opera the only other work I had known of Mascagnis was Cavalleria Rusticana which I loved.I had been under the impression that all his other operas paled in contrast to his masterpiece.But I was pleasently surprised by this recording.There are moments of magnificent melodic creation (Two examples being Osakas Act1 serenade as Jor and the Act2 duet between Osaka and Iris which is extremely beautiful) Some of the choruses are a bit ornery but overall the piece is quite good.The story isn't too bad(Ilicia got around a bit at that time also working with Puccini and Giordano)The cast is excellent.Dessi as Iris is wonderful and she manages to convey the pathos of the character.Jose Cura is beyond description.His Osaka is wonderfully sung,the highlight being the Act2 duet with Iris.Bravo!Ghiarov hasn't lost any of his vocal powers and made a convincing Cieco. This is a worthwhile opera which should be put on more often."