Mary Jeanne Van Appledorn

CDs Mary Jeanne Van Appledorn performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

Opus One Number One

CDs Mary Jeanne Van Appledorn helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (16)

2006 - American Women Composers

Genre: Classical
2006 - Women Composer For Organ-Music Spanning Five Centuries

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2005 - Strings Attached

Genre: Classical
2004 - New Music for the Northern Plains Flute

2000 - John Donald Robb Elegy for Our War Dead Michael Mauldin Desert Light

1999 - Music by Mary Jeanne van Appledorn Stephen Weber Donald Keats

1997 - Postcards

1996 - The Orchestra According to The Seven

1996 - New American Romantics

1995 - Music from Texas Tech University

1995 - The Sonorous Landscape
1995 - Dorothy Rudd Moore Modes for String Quartet Stephen Weber Eight Etudes for Piano etc
1995 - Society of Composers Inc Songfest
1995 - Kaleidoscope
1995 - Contemporary Music Festival
1993 - Contemporary Romantics