| Margi Harrell Hymns for You
Track Listings (51) - Disc #1- Sweet Hour of Prayer
- He Leadeth Me
- Blessed Assurance
- Grace Greater than Our Sin
- Amazing Grace
- Jesus Saves
- Marching to Zion
- Victory in Jesus
- Sweet Bye and Bye
- Make Me a Blessing
- At Calvary
- Wonderful Grace of Jesus
- There Is a Fountain
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Lily of the Valley
- What a Friend
- My Jesus, I Love Thee
- Love Divine
- I Am Resolved
- Love Lifted Me
- Old Rugged Cross
- How Great Thou Art
- Just a Closer Walk with Thee
- Showers of Blessings
- Jesus Paid it All
- Onward Christian Soldiers 27. Shall We Gather at the River
- At the Cross
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- Take the Name of Jesus with You
- 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
- Precious Memories
- Oh, How I Love Jesus
- Nail Scarred Hand
- Precious Lord, Take my Hand
- In the Garden
- Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
- When We All Get to Heaven
- Near to the Heart of God
- It is Well with My Soul
- Farther Along
- The Unclouded Day
- When They Ring those Golden Bells
- He Lives
- Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
- God Be with You
- Rock of Ages
- Just As I Am
- Have Thine Own Way
- Jesus, I Come
- Only Trust Him
- Blest Be the Tie