Luis de Milan

CDs Luis de Milan performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

1993 - Trois Siecles de Melodies Espagnoles Three Centuries of Spanish Song

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

CDs Luis de Milan helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (72)

2016 - Julian Bream - Music of Spain

Genres: New Age, Classical
2009 - A Cheerful Noise Songs and Dances of Medieval Renaissance Times

Genres: Dance & Electronic, International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 - Libros de Musica para Vihuela

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Classical
2009 - Segovia The American Decca Recordings Vol 1 (Box Set)

2009 - Alonso Mudarra Tres Libros de Msica Sevilla 1546

2009 - The Voice in the Garden Spanish Songs Motets 1480-1550

2008 - Taer Fantasa Msica ibrica para tecla

2008 - Images of Spain

2008 - SEGOVIA Guitar Masterclass

2008 - Swing Classic

2008 - Guitar Masterclass
2007 - Robert Harding Guitarist
2007 - Music for Emperor Charles V
2006 - De Antequera Sale un Moro Music of the Christian Moorish and Jewish Spain c 1492
2006 - The Harp of Luduvico
2006 - Andrs Segovia Guitar Recital
2006 - The Best of Alirio Diaz
2006 - The Renaissance Album
2006 - Love and ReConquest -- Music fof Renaissance Spain
2005 - Music of Spain (Box Set)
2005 - Rcital
2005 - Musica en el Quijote y otras obras de Miguel de Cervantes
2005 - Ay Luna Msica espaola del Siglo de Oro
2005 - La Guitarre Royale
2004 - Cancion y Danza
2004 - The Art of Andrs Segovia Rare Recordings 1952-1954
2004 - Music for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain
2004 - Fantasa Music by Luys Miln
2004 - Ay Luna Msica espaola del Siglo de Oro
2003 - Taer de gala Msica para vihuela
2003 - The Segovia Collection Vol 3
2003 - Bartomeu Crceres Anonymes XVI sicle
2003 - Music for Guitar
2003 - Songs of the Spanish Renaissance Vol 1
2002 - The Art of the Lute Player
2002 - Luys Milan El Maestro 1536
2002 - Espaolsimo
2002 - The Segovia Collection
2002 - Cancionero Music for the Spanish Court 1470-1520
2001 - Baylado Music of Renaissance Spain
2001 - A Terras Ajenas
2001 - Classics for Guitar
2001 - Panorama Dances of the Renaissance
2001 - La Guitarra Espanola 1536-1836 (The Spanish Guitar)
2000 - Julian Bream The Ultimate Guitar Collection-Volume 2
2000 - Chacona Renaissance Spain in the Age of Empire
2000 - Andres Segovia - The Gold Collection
2000 - Lute Music for Witches and Alchemists / Lutz Kirchhof
2000 - Had Miles Met Maurice
1999 - Romance Roses Vol 3
1999 - Secular Music from Christian and Jewish Spain
1999 - Sephardic Journey
1999 - Songs My Father Taught Me
1999 - Music For Philip Of Spain And His four Wives / Charivari Agreable
1998 - Andres Segovia his contemporaries Vol 4
1998 - The Psalms of David from Kings Choir of Kings College Cambridge Vol 1
1997 - Rheinberger Choral Music
1997 - Segovia Oyanguren and his Contemporaries
1996 - Miln Narvez Music for Vihuela
1995 - Spanish Guitar Quartets
1995 - The Art of the Lute
1995 - Sweet was the Song
1995 - Philippe Chanel performs on Clavicord Sweelinck Cabezon Gabrieli and others
1995 - Accentus - La Musica Popular y de la Corte
1995 - Concert de Musique Liturgique Juive (Concert of Jewish Liturgical Music)
1995 - Noches de Espaa Romantic Guitar Classics
1993 - Ay de Mi Music for Vihuela and Voice
1993 - The Harp of Luduvco Fantasias Arias and Toccatas by Frescobaldi and His Predecessors - Andrew Lawrence-King
1992 - Villancicos Spanish Folk Songs of the 15th 16th Centuries - Atrium Musicae de Madrid / Gregorio Paniagua
1992 - Le Moyen Age Catalan de l'art Romain a la Renaissance
1991 - Weltliche Musik im Christlichen und Jdischen Spanien (Secular Music from Christian and Jewish Spain)
Princess Royal