Lena Susanne Norin

CDs Lena Susanne Norin performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2002 - The Rheingold Curse A Germanic Saga of Greed and Revenge from the Medieval Icelandic Edda

Genre: Classical
1996 - Bach St Matthew Passion

Genre: Classical
Balades A III Chans

Genres: Pop, Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical

CDs Lena Susanne Norin helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (9)

2010 - Hildegard von Bingen Canticles of Ecstasy

Genre: Classical
2008 - Soavi Accenti

Genres: Pop, Classical
2007 - Triste Plaisir Guillaume Du Fay and the Music of Burgundy - Lena Susanne Norin / Randall Cook / Susanne Ansorg

Genre: Classical
2006 - Schtz Weihnachtshistorie (Christmas Story)

2005 - Vox Naturalis

2005 - Le Chant des Cathedrales Escuela de Notre Dame ss XII-XIV / Ensemble Gilles Binchois dir Vellard (Notre Dame school, 12-14th Centuries)

1996 - Halle Le Jeu de Robin et Marion

1995 - Balades A III Chans de Johan Robert Trebor Baude Cordier Matteo da Perugia Antonio da Cividale Magister Grimace al

1992 - Schtz Weihnachtshistorie (The Nativity)