| Lars Hegaard, Henrik Vagn Christensen, Danish Chamber Players Lars Hegaard: Chamber Music Genre: Classical
Track Listings (28) - Disc #1- Triptych with Objects, for 9 instruments: Objecs Fixed in Time
- Triptych with Objects, for 9 instruments: Migrating Objects
- Triptych with Objects, for 9 instruments: Objects Appearing from Nowhere
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Tranquillo
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: quarter note = 60
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Energico
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Scorrevole
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Un poco vivace e danzante
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Mormorando e nervoso
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Dolce e lamentoso
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Fluente e danzante
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Meditativo ed espressivo
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Calme respresivo
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Agitato e nervoso
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: quarter note = 84
- Short Pieces (13), for flute, viola & harp: Vivo e danzante
- Twine, for 9 instruments: Like a Dirge
- Twine, for 9 instruments: Like a Dream #1
- Twine, for 9 instruments: Like a Dream #2
- Twine, for 9 instruments: Like a Dance
- The Four Winds, for clarinet, cello & piano: East
- The Four Winds, for clarinet, cello & piano: North
- The Four Winds, for clarinet, cello & piano: West
- The Four Winds, for clarinet, cello & piano: South
- Ambient Voices, for clarinet, violin, cello & piano: Ambient Voices
- Ambient Voices, for clarinet, violin, cello & piano: Signs
- Ambient Voices, for clarinet, violin, cello & piano: If a Sound Was a String
- Ambient Voices, for clarinet, violin, cello & piano: Sad Story