La Reverdie

CDs La Reverdie performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2005 - Bestiarium

Genres: Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (15)

2010 - Bestiarium Animals in the Music of Middle Ages

Genre: Classical
2009 - O Tu Chara Scienca

Genre: Classical
2009 - Jacopo da Bologna Madrigali e Cacce

Genres: Pop, Classical
2009 - La Nuit De Saint Nicholas

2005 - Bella Imagine -- Medieval and Renaissance Songs and Dances

2000 - Legenda Aurea Laudes des Saints au Trecento italien (Golden Legend - Lauds from 13th Century Italy)

1999 - Bestiarium - Animals in the Music of the Middle Ages

1996 - Suso in Italia Bella

1995 - O Tu Chara Scienca - La musique dans la Pense Mdivale

1993 - Speculum Amoris

1992 - Guinevere/Yseut/MelusineHeritage of
La Reverdie Speculum Amoris Other Choral Music
Speculum Amoris by La Reverdie (2009-05-21)
La Reverdie Insula Feminarum Other Choral Music
Insula Feminarum by La Reverdie (2009-05-21)

CDs La Reverdie helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (16)

2009 - Carmina Burana Sacri Sarcasmi

Genres: Pop, Classical
2009 - Historia Sancta Eadmundi

Genres: Pop, Classical
2009 - Svso in Italia bella Musique dans les cours et clotres de l'Italie du Nord

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2009 - Legenda Aurea Laudes des Saintes au Trecento Italien

2009 - Sponsa Regis

2009 - Specvlvm Amoris Lyrique de l'Amour Mdival du mysticisme l'rotisme

2009 - Guillaume Du Fay Missa Sancti Jacobi

2009 - Guillaume Dufay Voyage en Italie

2009 - Nox Lux France Angleterre 1200-1300

2009 - Insula Feminarum

2006 - Bestiarium Animals in the Music of the Middle Ages
1999 - La Nuit De Saint Nicholas
1999 - Historia Sancti Eadmundi - De la liturgie dramatique au drame liturgique (The Story of Saint Edmund - From dramatic liturgy to liturgical drama)
1999 - Insula Feminarum - Resonances Mdivales de la Fminit Celte (Sounds of Medieval Celts)
1995 - Laude di Sancta Maria Evening Songs of Devotion in the Italy of the Communes - La Reverdie
1994 - Speculum Amoris Medieval Love Lyrics of Mysticism Eroticism - La Reverdie