| Puccini, Gavazzi, Savarese La Fanciulla Del West Genre: Classical
Track Listings (19) - Disc #1- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Introduzione
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Hello! Hello! Alla 'Polka'!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Hello...Nick!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Che faranno i vecchi miei
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Jim, perché piangi?
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Ragazzi, fate largo!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Hello, Minnie!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Dove eravamo?
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. La posta!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Ti voglio bene, Minnie
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Minnie, dalla mia casa son partito
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Laggiù nel Soledad
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Chi c'é, per farmi i ricci?
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Ragazzi! Uno straniero ricusa confessare
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Mister Johnson, siete rimasto indietro
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Io non son che una povera fanciulla
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Quello che tacete
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. S'è visto qui intorno
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 1. Oh, non temete, nessuno ardirà
Track Listings (19) - Disc #2- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Il mio bimbo è grande e piccino
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Billy, è fissato?
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Hello!...Buona sera!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Oh, se sapeste
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Ugh!...Neve!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Hello!...Chiamano...
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Vieni fuori!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Or son sei mesi che mio padre morì
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. L'han ferito...Che importa?
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Oh, strano! Del sangue sulla mano
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 2. Una partita a poker!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 3. Ve lo giuro, sceriffo
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 3. Ah! Ah! Ah!... Urrah, ragazzi!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 3. E così, Mister Johnson, come va?
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 3. Risparmiate lo scherno
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 3. Ch'ella mi creda
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 3. Ah! - ah! - ah!... È Minnie!
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 3. Non vi fu mai chi disse 'Basta!'
- La fanciulla del West (The Girl of the Golden West), opera: Act 3. Le tue parole sono di Dio