Heartfelt To The Bone
steve | Falls Church, Virginia United States | 12/16/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This album was written at a time Kristofferson was going through great personal trials. It is a testament to how an artist can create some of his greatest work from the depths of depair. This is a heartwrenching, brilliant collection of songs that was shamefully overlooked by the public, possibly because the record company did so little to promote it. A gem that may someday be discovered."
Perhaps the BEST work of Kris Kristofferson
bforaydo | Buffalo, New York USA | 09/04/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"To the Bone, is perhaps one of Kristoffersons' best works as a singer/songwriter. The songs on this album are written and performed from the heart, with feelings and emotions seldom seen from Kris. Of all of Kris's albums, THIS ONE RANKS AS MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE. You will not be dis-appointed!"