Kim Begley

CDs Kim Begley performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (5)

2015 - Wagner Das Rheingold

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2015 - Wagner Das Rheingold (BluRay Audio)

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2000 - Busoni - Doktor Faust

Genre: Classical
1997 - Beethoven - Leonore / Martinpelto Oelze Begley M Best A Miles Hawlata Shade - Gardiner

1992 - Mendelssohn - Elijah / T Allen Rolfe Johnson Y Kenny von Otter Marriner

CDs Kim Begley helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2007 - Bantock Orchestral Music (Box Set)

Genres: Pop, Classical
2004 - Wagner The Flying Dutchman

Genre: Classical
2003 - Bantock The Song of Songs The Wilderness and the Solitary Place Pierrot of the Minute Overture to a Greek Tragedy

Genre: Classical