Kay Johannsen

CDs Kay Johannsen performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (6)

2010 - Pieces De Fantaisie Op51 54

Genre: Classical
2008 - Passion

Genre: Classical
2006 - Organ Improvisations on Advent Christmas Music

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2004 - Mendelssohn Organ Sonatas

2000 - Bach Organ works - Organ Chorales from the Neumeister Collection /Johannsen (Edition Bachakademie Vol 86)

1998 - Christine Schfer - Mozart Arias Strauss Orchestral Songs / Pires - Berlin Phil Abbado

CDs Kay Johannsen helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (11)

2008 - Marc-Antoine Charpentier Nol

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2007 - Bach Die schnsten Orgelwerke

Genre: Classical
2005 - Franz Liszt Die groen Orgelwerke

Genre: Classical
2005 - Mendelssohn Organ Sonatas

2005 - Frank Martin Golgotha

2003 - JS Bach 6 Sonate per Violino e Cembalo BWV 1014-1019

1999 - Bach Organ works - The Young Bach A Virtuoso /Johannsen (Edition Bachakademie Vol 89)

1999 - Bach Organ works - Masterpieces from the Weimar Period /Johannsen (Edtion Bachakademie Vol 93)

1999 - Bach Organ works - Six Sonatas BWV 525-530 /Johannsen (Edition Bachakademie Vol 99)

1999 - Bach Organ works - Clavier bung Third Part BWV 552 669-689 802-805 /Johannsen (Edition Bachakademie Vol 101)

An Introduction to the Works of Johann Sebastian Bach