| Kalevala Finnish Progressive Rock Epic Genres: International Music, Pop, Rock
Track Listings (10) - Disc #1- Creation/The Sowing - Lattunen, Vesa
- Wainamoinen and Youkahainen/The Fate of Aino - Keskitalo, A.
- Som Floden Flyter (As the River Runs) - Renström, Stefan
- Trubadurens Kval (The Minstrel's Cry) - Biström, Rickard
- Maiden of the Bow - Roverski, Cristiano
- Ilmarinen Forges the Sampo - Ferrarotti, Paolo
- Lemminkainen's Lament - Bernard, Marco
- The Three Battles - Cremoni, David
- Raking the Bones - Anderson, Jim [Bass
- The Boat Builder/Searching for the Lost Word - Shapiro, Dan
Track Listings (10) - Disc #2- 3 - Einarsen, Ketil Ves
- The Wedding - Pavoni, Andrea
- Uninvited Guest - Brunori, Luca
- Pimeästa Pohjolasta - Timoniemi, Jani
- Il Suono Dei Ricordi (The Sound of Memories) - Agostinello
- Fiore Di Vendetta (The Flower of Revenge) - Balbo
- Filo Di Lama (Edge of a Blade) - Amici, Andrea
- Strani Colori (Strange Colors) - Litrico, J.
- Malvagio Per le Stelle (Mean Because of the Stars) - Baccini, Sofia
- Ilmarienen's Bride of Gold - McCabe, Steven
Track Listings (10) - Disc #3- Ilmarien's Fruitless Wooing - Harbottle
- Kantele - Nicoló, Massimilian
- Stormen (Tempest) - Andersson, Olov
- La Battaglia Per il Sampo (The Battle for the Sampo) - Lazzàra, Salvo
- Uusi Kantele (New Kantele) - Sivula, Timo
- Kapittu 45/46 (Chapter 45/46) - Grassi, Marc
- Tuletta (Fireless) - Niemelä, Teemu
- Pine - Paavilainen, Katja
- Runo 49 - Randone, Nicola
- Way Is Open - Hill, Matthew