Currently Unavailable CDs (32)
2003 - Bon Appetit 2002 - Incredible Kai (Mlps) 2001 - Trombone for Two / Trombone Sound 2000 - Jazz Showcase 2000 - Boy Next Door 2000 - Nuf Said 1999 - Nuf Said 1998 - Kai Winding Jay Jay Johnson 1955-1960 1998 - Boy Next Door 1998 - Incredible Kai Winding Trombones 1997 - Great Kai JJ 1996 - Jay Kai 1995 - Octet In Person 1994 - Kai Winding Live in Clevelend 1994 - In the Beginning Bebop 1994 - Jay Kai 1994 - Loaded 1991 - Trombone By Three 1991 - 4 Trombones 1991 - Green With Strings 1988 - Giants of Jazz |