Josquin Desprez

CDs Josquin Desprez performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2000 - Chanticleer Magnificat (A Capella Works by Josquin, Palestrina, Titov, Victoria, and Others)

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (17)

2002 - Voices Of Ascension From Chant To Renaissance

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2001 - Josquin L'homme arm Masses

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2001 - Josquin des Prs Missa Pange Lingua Missa La Sol Fa Re Mi

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
1999 - Illumina Choral Music by Rautavaara Rachmaninov Byrd Hildegard Tallis Rutter Holst Grechaninov Tchaikovsky Palestrina Ligeti and others

1999 - Musica Vaticana - Music from the Vatican Manuscripts /Pomerium Blachly (1505-1534)

1999 - Music for Philip of Spain / Dixon Chapelle du Roi

1998 - Pathways of Renaissance Music

1998 - Josquin Missa L'homme arm Ave Maria Absalom fili mi

1997 - Josquin Desprez Motets Chansons

1996 - JosquinL'homme Arme

1996 - Missa Pange Lingua/Missa La Sol Fa Re Mi
1995 - Ockeghem Missa Prolationum 5 Motets
1994 - Christmas Tapestry - Renaissance Masses of Josquin Ockeghem
1993 - Music Featured on South Bank Show
1993 - Missa Mater Patris
1992 - Desprez Missa Pange Lingua /Ensemble Clement Janequin Ensemble Organum Peres
1990 - Ockegham Requiem / Desprez Missa L'Homme Arm

CDs Josquin Desprez helped create...

Currently Available CDs (4)

2008 - The Tabulature of Johannes von Lublin

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1999 - The Inspired Effect Music to Enhance Your Learning Spirit

Genres: Special Interest, Classical, Christian & Gospel, Gospel
1995 - Sing We Christmas

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
1994 - Renaissance The Music of Josquin Desprez

Currently Unavailable CDs (192)

2015 - Anne Boleyn's Songbook

Genre: Classical
2014 - The Spy's Choirbook

Genre: Opera & Classical Vocal
2014 - Madrigals of Madness

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2014 - Missa Ave Maris Stella

2014 - The Hilliard Sound - Renaissance Masterpieces

2010 - Art of the Netherlands

2009 - A Cheerful Noise Songs and Dances of Medieval Renaissance Times

2009 - Antico Moderno

2009 - Josquin Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae Miserere mei Deus Motetti

2009 - Artist Profile Series Jeremy Summerley

2009 - Tous Les Regrets
2009 - Ave Maria
2009 - Musik ber Tisch Hausmusik bei Martin Luther
2008 - Gregorian Christmas
2008 - Essentials
2008 - Stella del nostro mar
2008 - Spotless Rose
2008 - Ottaviano Dei Petrucci Harmonice Musices Odhecaton
2008 - Gramophone Gold Collection
2008 - Desprez Missa Pange lingua
2008 - Josquin Desprez Missa di dadi Missa Faysant regretz
2008 - Serenity Beautiful Choral Music (Box Set)
2008 - Neue Vocalisten Stuttgart Portrt
2008 - La Cappella Sistina
2008 - Alessandro Grandi Motetti a cinque voci (1614)
2008 - Krummhorn cromorne storto tournebout
2008 - Josquin Missa Sine Nomine Missa Ad Fugam
2007 - Christmas to Candlemas
2007 - Les Plaisirs du palais (Deluxe Edition)
2007 - Josquin Desprez Missa D'ung aultra amer Matets Chansons
2007 - Discover Choral Music
2007 - The Essential Josquin des Prez
2007 - Margarete Maximilian I
2007 - Music for Emperor Charles V
2007 - The Voice of Bakfark
2007 - Vaghissimo Ritratto
2007 - In Memoria
2007 - Bach Baroque Brass
2007 - 100 Best Sacred Works
2007 - The Book of Madrigals
2007 - 40 Voices (Hybrid SACD)
2007 - The Art of Melancholy
2007 - Renaissance
2006 - The Tallis Scholars - Renaissance Giants
2006 - Hear the Voice
2006 - Metamorphoses Fidei
2006 - Josquin Desprez Missa de Beata Virgine Lassus Passio secundum Matthaeum
2006 - Palestrina Masses Missa Benedicta es
2006 - Leonardo Da Vinci
2006 - La Rue Missa de septem doloribus /Capilla Flamenca Snellings
2006 - Cristobal de Morales Missa Mille Regretz
2006 - The Tallis Scholars Sing Josquin
2006 - Sanctus 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set)
2006 - Isaac Missa pro Maximiliano
2006 - El Noi de la Mare Mother and Son
2006 - Riverberi nello spazio e nel tempo
2006 - Missa
2005 - Musique sacre de la Renaissance
2005 - Chansons de la Renaissance
2005 - L'mergence de la musique instrumentale
2005 - Valderrbano Silva de Sirenes
2005 - Discover Early Music
2005 - Steal Away to Jesus Spirituals Prires
2005 - O Magnum Mysterium (Box Set)
2005 - In Paradisum Vol 2 Spiritual Classical Melodies
2005 - Early Music for Meditation
2005 - Offertorium
2005 - Raphael Music of the Courtier
2005 - Rubbra Britten The Complete Recorder Works
2005 - Compline Service with Anthems Motets
2005 - Geistlich Music der Wiener Hofkapelle Kaiser Maximilians I
2004 - Josquin and the Lost Generation
2004 - Geistlich Music der Wiener Hofkapelle Kaiser Maximilians I
2004 - Sacred Music at the Vienna Court Chapel -- Music from the Time of Maximilian I
2004 - Hersch Josquin Rihm Feldman
2004 - Music for Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
2004 - Josquin Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae Miserere mei Deus Mottetti
2004 - Music for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain
2004 - Composers from the North -- Pierre de la Rue / Johannes Ockeghem / Adrian Willaert / Josquin Desprez / Clemens non Papa
2004 - Tota Vita Music for Charles V
2004 - Music at the time of Leonardo da Vinci
2004 - Ave Maria
2003 - Pater Noster Settings of the Lord's Prayer
2003 - Christmas with the Tallis Scholars
2003 - Old World Christmas
2003 - De Janequin aux Beatles
2003 - The Essential Tallis Scholars
2003 - Josquin Desprez Adieu mes amours Chansons
2003 - Une messe imaginaire
2003 - Josquin Desprez Missa Gaudeamus/Motets
2003 - Josquin Desprez Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae
2003 - Desprez Messe Ave Maris Stella Motets la Vierge
2003 - Josquin Desprez Missa de Beata Virgine Motets a la Vierge
2003 - Josquin Missa Pange Lingua Motets
2003 - Missa Hercules Dux Ferrarie / Motets / Chansons
2003 - Music at the Court of Emperor Maximilian I
2003 - Pomerium Musical Book of Hours
2003 - 1000 Years of Sacred Music (Box Set)
2003 - Carlos V Mille Regretz La Cancin del Emperador (Hybrid SACD)
2002 - Amours amours amours Duos for lutes
2002 - Josquin dez Prez Missa Faisant Regretz Motets
2002 - Le Chant de Virgile (Classical Poetry in Renaissance Music)
2002 - Ottaviano dei Petrucci Harmonice Musices Odhecaton
2001 - The Tallis Scholars Live in Oxford
2001 - The Ockeghem Legacy
2001 - Christmas Carols Motets
2001 - Bartolomeo Tromboncino Dulce Exuvi
2001 - Cipriano de Rore Missa Praeter rerum seriem
2001 - Odhecaton A Les Flamboyants
2001 - Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini / Ave Maria / Motets
2001 - Josquin Desprez Messes de L'homme arm
2001 - Astra Brass Septet Organ
2001 - Sacred Music
2000 - Carlos V
2000 - Magic Flanders Recorder Quartet and Friends
2000 - Madrigal Masterpieces Vol 3
2000 - Musiche Per Van Dick
2000 - Josquin Master of Musicians
2000 - Musica mensurabilis III
2000 - Musica Mensurabilis II - Ockeghem Missa Prolationum Desprez Missa Da Pacem / Gottwald Schola Cantorum Stuttgart
2000 - Josquin Missa Pange Lingua Motets
2000 - Oh Flanders Free Music of the Flemish Renaissance
2000 - Behold and See The Best of Millenium of Music Vol3 (Robert Aubry Davis Presents)
2000 - Saturn and Polyphony
2000 - Quintessence
2000 - The World of Early Music
2000 - The A-La-Mi-Re Manuscripts - Flemish Polyphonic Treasures
2000 - A La Incoronation - Music For The Imperial Coronation Of Charles V Bologna 1530 / da Col Dickey Cassone Odhecaton et al
2000 - Ave Maria
1999 - Heinrich Isaac Motets for Emperor Maximilian I
1999 - Josquin Missa Ave Maris Stella Vergil-Motetten
1999 - Fortuna Ensemble/Marchetto Cara
1999 - The Best of the Renaissance
1999 - Renaissance Winds
1999 - The Triumphs of Maximilian
1999 - Vox Neerlandica 1 Flemish Renaissance Choral Music
1999 - The French Ambassadors Music based on Holbein's 'The Ambassadors'
1999 - Sephardic Journey
1999 - Heavenly Spheres (L'Harmonie des Spheres)
1998 - Music for Mona Lisa
1998 - Cancin del Emperador
1998 - Ockeghem Missa L'homme arm Ave Maria Alma Redemptoris Mater Josquin Memor esto verbi tui
1998 - The Great History of Belgian and Dutch Classical Music
1998 - Lorenzo Il Magnifico Trionfo Di Bacco Carnival Songs
1997 - Best of the Classics
1997 - The Art of the Netherlands - The Early Music Consort of London David Munrow (2 CD Set)
1997 - Lo Splendore D'Italia
1997 - Desprez-Palestrina Motets/Masses
1997 - Instruments of Middle Ages
1997 - Josquin Motets Antiphons Sequences
1997 - Lamentations
1997 - The Spirits of England and France Vol 5 Missa Veterem Hominem
1997 - Passion
1997 - Une fte chez Rabelais Chansons et pices instrumentales
1997 - Tears from Heaven
1997 - Antonio de Cabezn Glosados Diferencias Tientos
1996 - The Medieval Experience
1996 - SanctusMeditations For The Soul
1996 - Chansons et Danceries (French Renaissance Wind Music)
1996 - The Italian Lute Song
1996 - Early Music Collection
1996 - Musik der Reformation Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
1996 - Best of Gregorian Chants
1995 - The Art of the Lute
1995 - An Introduction to Early Music
1995 - Marienmotetten von Josquin Desprez und Ludwig Senfl
1995 - Utopia Triumphans
1995 - The Spirit Of The Renaissance
1995 - Sweet was the Song
1995 - The Sistine Chapel Choir in Concert at the Vatican
1995 - Renaissance Masterpieces Ockeghem Josquin Morales
1995 - Renaissance Men
1995 - The Early Josquin
1995 - Josquin
1995 - Music of the Italian Renaissance
1995 - Renaissance Polyphony in Brussels
1995 - Early Russian Polyphony
1995 - Une fte Chez Rabelais Songs Instrumental Pieces from the First Half of the 16th Century - Ensemble Clment Janequin
1994 - French Chansons
1994 - Brass Greatest Hits
1994 - la Spagna 15th 16th 17th Centuries
1994 - La Rue Requiem Josquin Hercules Mass
1994 - The Renaissance Lute
1993 - Josquin Desprez /Gregorio Allegri Masses / Choir of St John's College / George Guest (Meridian)
1993 - Josquin Desprez Motets Antiphons and Sequences
1993 - Deprez Missa De Beata Virgine
1993 - Chanticleer The Anniversary Album 1978-1988
1993 - Missa Mille Regretz
1992 - Busnoys/Josquin/GombertMotets
1989 - Josquin Desprez Stabat Mater Motets
1989 - Mr Arbeau's School of Dancing Vol1 (1589)
1987 - Josquin Desprez Motets