| De Fesch, Mcfadden, Alexander Joseph Genre: Classical
Track Listings (22) - Disc #1- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: Overture
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Be ware You Talk no More of these Your Idle Slumbers'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Happy Youth'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'But Hark the Host of Cherubims!'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Happy Youth'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Alas my Eager Haste to Shew my fond Obedience'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'I'll the Lion Dauntless meet'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'And See where sent by Providence a Guide arrives'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Let me hasten away'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Surely did not our faintness Tell this world's Great Eye'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Underneath this plantane Shade'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'See in Lucky Moment Comes the Hated Dreamer'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Tremble Shudder at the Guilt'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'With what intreped Air & Reason Argues he'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Let it be so'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'There, Saucy Vanter Sleep Your Fill'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Dream again of Sun and Moon'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Oh Barbarous Effect of Jealous pride'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Take me Dying, Silent Grave'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'But a Few paces Farther and we'll find him'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'Alass where am I going?'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'O'er the Desarts, O'er the Main'
Track Listings (15) - Disc #2- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'These Thorns & Brambles I Remark'd'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'O Gracious Lord, O Lord of Israel'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'Unheard of Carelessness or Dastard Cowardice'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 1.: 'How wisely Providence Bechequers still our Pilgrimage'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'Let me Ever look to Thee'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'But Still one Dread remains not in the least'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'Such a Lovely prudent Youth'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'Too well, I Dread, I Understand her'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'The Mower Calls with Chearfull Note'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'Sure I in absence of the Lord'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'I See what I dare not Say'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'Furies! Death and Torture'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'Dark and Dismal thoughts'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'And see where Opportunely Comes'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 2.: 'Revenge inspires me/ Honour Fires me'
Track Listings (27) - Disc #3- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'What Strange Revolutions Yet'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'The Lord who from the Murd'fing knife'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Where is the pris'ner so renown'd'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Honour, wealth & Power too'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Oh Racking Torment'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Prostrate on the Earht we'll say'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Wihe Contrite Heart & weeping Eyes'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'To our Contrition let us add Obedience'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Blow the Fife with Chearful Noise'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Thus by our Sovereign's Command'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Ye Lofty Columns, Guilded Roofs'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Wisdom with its poignant Eye'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Away with'em'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'How heav'n Show'rs its Blessings on me'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Blood, this hasty Course give O'er'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'I must within Repose my Self to calmness'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'We're now upon ?gyptian Ground'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'The Howling wold at Midnight Roams'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Bring in the Strangers'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Feeding Flocks upon the plain'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'I can withhold no Longer'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Whilst my Rapture I Conceal'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'They do not Yet Discover me'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'O heav'ns our Brother'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Joseph! I pray ye rise'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'O Delight beyond Expressing/ O unutterable Blessing'
- Joseph, oratorio: Act 3.: 'Let us our Gratefull voices raise'