Josef A. Pasternack

CDs Josef A. Pasternack performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

1997 - American Opera Singer

Genre: Classical

CDs Josef A. Pasternack helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (37)

2005 - Prima Voce Enrico Caruso Opera Vol 3

Genre: Classical
2004 - The Chaliapin Edition Vol 5 1921-1923 American British Recordings

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2004 - Caruso The Complete Recordings Vol 12

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2004 - Come Back to Erin Volume 2 - John McCormack

2004 - Enrico Caruso The Complete Recordings Vol 11

2003 - Enrico Caruso The Complete Recordings Vol 10

2002 - Ivor Novello Shine Through My Dreams

2002 - The Ultimate Irving Berlin Vol 2 (Original Cast Recordings)

2002 - Maud Powell The Complete Recordings 1904-17 Vol 3

2001 - The Complete Recordings of Maud Powell Vol 2

2001 - The Complete Recordings of Maud Powell Vol 1
2001 - Bellini The Supreme Operatic Recordings
2001 - Maria Callas and the Great Sopranos
2000 - Rossini The Supreme Operatic Recordings
2000 - Alma Gluck
1999 - Beniamino Gigli Interpreta Vol 2 (Archivio della Romana da Salotto Italiana)
1999 - Giovanni Martinelli Recordings 1925 - 29
1998 - The Electic Records Part 1 (1925 - 27)
1998 - Tenors in Love
1997 - Sousa Marches Played by the Sousa Band The Complete Commercial Recordings 1897-1930
1997 - Fritz Kreisler Plays Kreisler
1996 - Under The Double Eagle - The Marches of John Philip Sousa
1996 - Ponselle Vol 3
1995 - McCormack Kreisler in Recital
1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Toti dal Monte
1995 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Giuseppe de Luca
1993 - Complete Operatic Acoustics
1992 - Martinelli Prima Voce Volume 2 1913-1923
1992 - Ponselle Prima Voce
1992 - Galli-Curci Prima Voce
1992 - Prima Voce Ruffo
1992 - Gigli in Song
1990 - The Legendary Enrico Caruso 21 Favorite Arias
Prima Voce Martinelli
McCormack Kreisler in Recital
Prima Voce Ruffo
Tenors in Love