John Taverner

CDs John Taverner performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2000 - Chanticleer Magnificat (A Capella Works by Josquin, Palestrina, Titov, Victoria, and Others)

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (4)

2002 - Taverner Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas

Genre: Classical
1999 - Legends of St Nicholas

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1993 - Music Featured on South Bank Show

Genre: Classical
1993 - Taverner Ave Dei Patris Filia Music for Our Lady and Divine Office

CDs John Taverner helped create...

Currently Available CDs (3)

2005 - A Tudor Christmas

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2001 - Bluebird Voices from Heaven

Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1990 - Brother Sun Sister Moon

Genres: Jazz, Pop, Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (48)

2019 - Taverner Gloria Tibi Trinitas

Genre: Opera & Classical Vocal
2015 - Taverner Missa Corona spinea Dum transisset Sabbatum I and II

Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical
2009 - Henry's Music Motets from a Royal Choirbook / Songs by Henry VIII

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2007 - Taverner Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas

2007 - Discover Choral Music

2007 - Heavenly Voices - Glorious Choral Music

2006 - The Tallis Scholars - Renaissance Giants

2006 - Easter on Fifth Avenue

2006 - Taverner and Tudor Music 1 The Western Wind

2006 - William Byrd Mass for Four Voices Four Motets / John Taverner Alternatim pieces - Pro Cantione Antiqua (Dum transisset Sabbatum, Magnificat, Audivi vocem)

2006 - Gothic
2006 - Sanctus
2006 - Gloria
2005 - Discover Early Music
2005 - Voices of Praise
2004 - Music for Great Cathedrals
2003 - Renaissance Masterpieces (Box Set)
2002 - In Excelsis
2001 - The Tallis Scholars Live in Oxford
2001 - Palestrina Missa Benedicta Es
2001 - Taverner Tye Sheppard Western Wind Masses
2001 - Byrd Motets and Mass for four voices
2000 - Taverner Missa Sancti Wilhelmi etc
2000 - Taverner Missa O Michael Leroy Kyrie Dum Transisset Sabbatum Missa
2000 - Taverner Western Wynde Mass etc
2000 - Taverner Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas Audivi Vocem de Coelo
2000 - Taverner Mater Christi Sanctissima In Nomine
2000 - John Taverner Missa Corona Spinea Gaude plurimum In pace
2000 - Elizabethan Songs and Consort Music
1999 - The Three Choirs
1999 - The Best of the Renaissance
1999 - The Marriage of England and Spain
1998 - Elizabethan Consort Music
1998 - A Capella From Saint Thomas Church
1998 - English Choral Music 1514-1682 (Box Set)
1997 - William Byrd 3 Masses Magnificat Nunc dimittis John Taverner Mass The Western Wind
1996 - Frans Brggen Edition Vol 3 - English Ensemble Music
1995 - Treasures of English Church Music
1995 - Taverner The Western Wynde Mass / Missa Slave Intemerata Virgo
1995 - Taverner Music for Our Lady and Divine Office
1995 - In Nomine 16th Century English Music for Viols Including the Complete Consort Music of Thomas Tallis - Fretwork
1994 - Taverner To Tavener
1994 - Hyperion Treasury
1993 - Missa Corona Spinea / O Wilhelme Pastor Bone
1993 - The Cambridge Singers Collection
1993 - Taverner - Dum Transisset Sabbatum Missa O Michael Leroy Kyrie Respond 'Archangeli Michaelis interventione (Hyperion)
1993 - Taverner - Browne - Carver Masterworks From Late-Medieval England and Scotland (EMI)
The Marriage of England and Spain