Currently Available CDs (2) | Currently Unavailable CDs (70)2005 - A Christmas Nativity 2005 - Gloria The Sacred Music of John Rutter 2005 - Kenneth Leighton Cathedral Music 2005 - How Can I Keep From Singing 2005 - The English Anthem Vol 8 2005 - Favourite Hymns for all Seasons 2005 - John Scott plays Liszt 2004 - Percy Whitlock Organ Sonata in C minor 2004 - Family Carols 2004 - Handel Greatest Hits 2003 - Cambridge Singers Christmas Album 2000 - The Music of St Paul's Cathedral 2000 - Faure Requiem and other choral music 1999 - Praise to the Lord - Hymns From St Paul's Cathedral 1999 - The English Anthem Vol 7 1998 - A Quiet Conscience 17th century Songs 1998 - A Quiet Conscience 17th century Songs 1998 - Herbert Howells The St Paul's Service and Other Music 1998 - Twentieth Century Organ Masterpieces 1998 - Dupre Organ Music Vol 2 1998 - Music for St Paul's 1998 - Gabriel Faur Requiem Maurice Durufl Requiem 1997 - Advent at St Paul's 1997 - Mendelssohn Music for Organ 1997 - Haydn Masses - Nelsonmesse Harmoniemesse Paukenmesse Kleine Orgelmesse 1997 - Passiontide at St Paul's (A sequence of music for Lent, Passiontide and Easter) 1996 - Bruckner Masses Te Deum 1996 - Carol Collection 1996 - Stillness And Sweet Harmony 1996 - Great European Organs No 40 1996 - The English Anthem Vol 6 1996 - Psalms from St Paul's Vol 4 Psalms 41-55 1996 - Stabat Mater Pergolesi Scarlatti 1996 - Croft at St Paul's - Te Deum Burial Service /St Paul's Cathedral Choir Parley of Instruments Scott (English Orpheus, Vol 15) 1995 - Psalms from St Paul's Vol 3 Psalms 30-40 1995 - Junk Genius 1995 - The English Anthem Vol 3 1995 - The English Anthem Vol 5 1994 - John Scott Plays the Organ on St Paul's Cathedral London 1994 - Lionheart The Epic Symphonic Score (1987 Film) 1994 - The English Anthem Vol 4 1993 - Vaughan Williams The Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains 1993 - The English Anthem Vol 2 1993 - Hear My Prayer 1993 - Mendelssohn Choral Music 1993 - The English Anthem - Anthems by Bairstow Wood Stanford Stainer Finzi Balfour Gardiner - St Paul's Cathedral Choir (Volume 1) 1993 - Organ Music by Maurice Durufl 1993 - Britten Saint Nicolas A Cantanta Op42/Hymn To Saint Cecilia Op27 1993 - My Spirit Hath Rejoiced 1993 - Organ Music By Marcel Dupr 1993 - John Rutter Te Deum and Other Church Music 1993 - Faure Requiem Cantique de Jean Racine Messe basse 1993 - Brahms Motets 1992 - John Scott and the Bach Choir Family Carols 1992 - WaltonIn Honour of the City of London 1992 - Walton Belshazzar's Feast Coronation Te Deum Gloria 1992 - My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord 1990 - O Come All Ye Faithful Favourite Carols 1990 - The Handel Collection American Voices