| Johann II [Junior] Strauss, Johann II, Josef, and Eduard Strauss, Johann II and Josef Strauss Johann Strauss Jr.: 100 of His Best Compositions (Box Set) Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Classical
Track Listings (10) - Disc #1- Die Fledermaus (The Bat), overture to the operetta (RV 503-1)
- Sinngedichte (Epigrams), waltz for orchestra, Op. 1 (RV 1)
- Im Sturmschritt!, polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 348 (RV 348)
- Myrtenbl?then (Myrtle Blossoms), waltz for orchestra (with voice ad lib), Op. 395
- K?nstler-Quadrille (Artists' Quadrille), for orchestra, Op. 201 (RV 201)
- K?nstler-Leben (Artists' Life), waltz for orchestra, Op. 316 (RV 316)
- Explosions-Polka, for orchestra, Op. 43 (RV 43)
- Kaiser-Walzer (Emperor Waltz), for orchestra, Op. 437 (RV 437)
- L'enfantillage, polka fran?aise for orchestra (Z?pperl-polka) Op. 202 (RV 202)
- Kaiser Franz Josef I Rettungs-Jubel-Marsch (Jubilee March for the Return of Emperor Franz Josef I), for orchestra, Op. 126 (RV 126)
Track Listings (10) - Disc #2- Blindekuh (The Blind Cow), operetta (RV 507): Overture
- Abschied von St. Petersburg (Farewell to St. Petersburg), waltz for orchestra, Op. 210
- Unter Donner und Blitz (Thunder and Lightning), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 324 (RV 324)
- Wiener Blut (Vienna Blood), waltz for orchestra, Op. 354 (RV 354)
- Figaro-Polka, polka-fran?aise for orchestra, Op. 320
- Fr?hlingsstimmen (Voices of Spring), waltz for orchestra (with voice ad lib), Op. 410 (RV 410)
- Demolirer-Polka, polka fran?aise for orchestra, Op. 269 (RV 269)
- Wiener Bonbons (Vienna Bon-Bons), waltz for orchestra, Op. 307 (RV 307)
- Burschenwanderung (Student Travels), polka fran?aise for orchestra (with voice ad lib), Op. 389
- Indigo-Marsch, for orcestra, Op. 349
Track Listings (9) - Disc #3- Waldmeister, overture to the operetta: Overture
- Mephistos H?llenrufe (Mephisto's Cries in Hell), waltz for orchestra, Op. 101 (RV 101)
- Kreuzfidel!, polka for orchestra, Op. 301
- Du und Du (You and You), waltz for orchestra, Op. 367 (RV 367)
- Tausend und eine Nacht (A Thousand and One Nights), operetta ( Strauss' works arr. by Reiterer): Intermezzo
- Ku?-Walzer (Kiss Waltz), for orchestra, Op. 400 (RV 400)
- Scherz-Polka, for orchestra, Op. 72 (RV 72)
- An der sch?nen, blauen Donau (On the Beautiful, Blue Danube), waltz for orchestra (with chorus ad lib), Op. 314 (RV 314)
- Russische Marsche-Fantasie, for orchestra, Op. 353 (RV 353)
Track Listings (10) - Disc #4- Prinz Methusalem (Prince Methuselah), overture to the operetta (RV 505-1)
- Accelerationen, waltz for orchestra, Op. 234 (RV 234)
- Leichtes Blut (Light as a Feather), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 319 (RV 319)
- Freuet euch des Lebens (Joy of Living), waltz for orchestra, Op. 340 (RV 340)
- Auf der Jagd (Off to the Hunt), schnellpolka for orchestra, Op. 373 (RV 373)
- Donauweibchen (Danube Maidens), waltz for orchestra, Op. 427 (RV 427)
- Bitte sch?n! (If You Please!), polka fran?aise for orchestra, Op. 372 (RV 372)
- Wein, Weib und Gesang (Wine, Women and Song), waltz for orchestra (with voice ad lib), Op. 333 (RV 333)
- Lob der Frauen, polka-mazurka for orchestra, Op. 315 (RV 315)
- Napoleon-Marsch, for orchestra, Op. 156 (RV 156)
Track Listings (11) - Disc #5- Die G?ttin der Vernunft (The Goddess of Reason), overture to the operetta (RV 516-1)
- Liebes-Lieder (Love Songs), waltz for orchestra, Op. 114 (RV 114)
- Vom Donaustrande (From Danube Shores), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 356 (RV 356)
- Cagliostro-Walzer, for orchestra, Op. 370
- Klipp-Klapp (Click-Clack), galop for orchestra, Op. 466 (RV 466)
- Erinnerung an Covent-Garden (Covent Garden Memories), waltz for orchestra (based on English folk songs), Op. 329
- Perpetuum Mobile (Perpetual Motion), Ein musikalischer Scherz, for orchestra, Op. 257 (RV 257)
- Gross-Wien (Great Vienna), waltz for orchestra (with voice ad lib), Op. 440
- Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka (Chit-Chat Polka), for orchestra, Op. 214 (RV 214)
- Rosen aus dem S?den (Roses from the South), waltz for orchestra, Op. 388 (RV 388)
- Hoch ?sterreich! (Hail Austria!), march for orchestra, Op. 371 (RV 371)
Track Listings (11) - Disc #6- Cagliostro in Wein (Cagliostro in Vienna), overture to the operetta
- Stadt und Land (Town and Country), polka-mazurka for orchestra, Op. 322 (RV 322)
- Immer Heiterer, waltz in l?ndler style for orchestra, Op. 235
- St?rmisch in Lieb' und Tanz (Stormy in Love and Dance), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 393 (RV 393)
- Tausend und eine Nacht (A Thousand and One Nights), waltz for orchestra, Op. 346 (RV 346)
- Fledermaus-Quadrille (The Bat Quadrille), for orchestra, Op. 363 (RV 363)
- Wiener Frauen (Vienna Women), waltz for orchestra, Op. 423
- Pizzicato Polka for orchestra, Op. 234
- Hofballt?nze (Court Ball Dances), waltz for orchestra, Op. 298 (RV 298)
- Bauern, polka fran?aise for orchestra, Op. 276 (RV 276)
- Persischer (Persian March), march for orchestra, Op. 289 (RV 289)
Track Listings (11) - Disc #7- Indigo und die vierdig R?uber (Indigo and the 40 Thieves), overture to the operetta
- 's gibt nur a Kaiserstadt, 's gibt nur a Wien, polka for orchestra, Op. 291 (RV 291)
- Nachtfalter (Moths), waltz for orchestra, Op. 157 (RV 157)
- Tik-Tak, polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 365 (RV 365)
- Nordseebilder (North Sea Pictures), waltz for orchestra, Op. 390 (RV 390)
- Freikugeln (Free-shooting Bullets), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 326
- Seid umschlungen Millionen (Be United Millions), waltz for orchestra, Op. 443 (RV 443)
- Annen-Polka, for orchestra, Op. 117 (RV 117)
- Morgenbl?tter (Morning Papers), waltz for orchestra, Op. 279 (RV 279)
- Postillon d'amour, polka fran?aise for orchestra, Op. 317
- Russicher (Russian March), march for orchestra, Op. 426 (RV 426)
Track Listings (9) - Disc #8- Eine Nacht in Venedig (A Night in Venice), overture to the operetta (RV 510-1)
- Motoren, waltz for orchestra, Op. 265 (RV 265)
- ?ljen a Magyar (Hail to Hungary), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 332 (RV 332)
- Wo die Zitronen Bl?h'n! (Where the Lemons Bloom), waltz for orchestra, Op. 364 (RV 364)
- Banditen-Galop (Bandits' Galop), for orchestra, Op. 378 (RV 378)
- Schatz-Walzer (Treasure Waltz), for orchestra, Op. 418
- Fledermaus-Polka (The Bat Polka), for orchestra, Op. 362 (RV 362)
- Flugschriften, waltz for orchestra, Op. 300
- ?gyptischer (Egyptian March), march for orchestra, Op. 335 (RV 335)
Track Listings (10) - Disc #9- Der Zigeunerbaron (The Gypsy Baron), overture to the operetta
- Ph?nix-Schwingen (Wings of the Pheonix), waltz for orchestra, Op. 125 (RV 125)
- Im Krapfenwald'l, polka fran?aise for orchestra, Op. 336 (RV 336)
- Lagunen-Walzer (Lagoon Waltz), for orchestra, Op. 411 (RV 411)
- Cs?rd?s, for orchestra, Op. 441 (RV 441-4)
- Bei uns z'Haus (With Us at Home), waltz for orchestra (with chorus ad lib), Op. 361 (RV 361)
- Vergn?gungszug (Excursion Train), polka schnell for orchestra, Op. 281 (RV 281)
- Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald (Tales from the Vienna Woods), waltz for orchestra, Op. 325 (RV 325)
- Neue-Pizzicato-Polka (New Pizzicato Polka), for orchestra, Op. 449 (RV 449)
- Radetzky-Marsch, for orchestra, Op. 228