Currently Available CDs (1) | Currently Unavailable CDs (55)2007 - Bach Complete Organ Works and Other Keyboard Works (Box Set) 2006 - Les Plus Belles Orgues 2006 - Organ Music for Christmas from the Bach Family - Wolfgang Baumgratz on the organs of the St Petri cathedral of Bremen 2006 - Johann Sebastian Bach The Complete Organ Music Vol 7 2006 - Dresdner Kreuzchor Legendary (Box Set) 2005 - Early 2005 - Sacred Baroque in Europe 2004 - Christmas Organ Music From St Paul's Cathedral 2004 - For Unto Us a Child is Born Festive Organ Music 2004 - Samuil Feinberg Bach Piano Transcriptions Vol 4 2004 - Bach Family Motets 2004 - Bach The Conductors' Transcriptions (Hybrid SACD) 2004 - De ternitate 2003 - Alt-Bachisches Archiv Cantatas by Members of the Bach Family 2003 - Altbachisches Archiv 2002 - Christmas Songs 2002 - Johann Michael Bach The Complete Organ Works 2002 - Grard Lesne - Bach 2002 - Ex Libris The Musical Library of J S Bach 2001 - Klaglied German Sacred Concertos 2001 - Bach Works for Organ Vol 13 2000 - Bach Attributions 2000 - Bach Organ Works Vol 6 2000 - A Book of Chorale-Settings for Johann Sebastian Vol 5 Incidental Festivities Psalms 2000 - Bach Organ Works Vol 5 1999 - Bach Organ works - The Young Bach A Virtuoso /Johannsen (Edition Bachakademie Vol 89) 1999 - Classical Christmas 1999 - Bach 2000 The Complete Bach Edition (Includes Commemorative Book) 1999 - Classical Christmas (Box Set) 1999 - Bach Organ Cornucopia 1999 - German 17th Century Church Music / Robin Blaze / Parley of Instruments (Hyperion) 1999 - JS Bach The Clavierbung Chorales and other Great Chorales 1999 - Bach Organ Works on Silbermann Organs Vol IV 1998 - Motetten Alter Meister 1996 - Bach Organ Chorales Preludes Fugues 1995 - No Room at the Inn 1995 - Bach The Works for Organ Vol 2 1994 - French Chansons 1994 - German Organ Music Vol 2 1994 - Bach Greatest Hits 1992 - Classics for All Seasons Winter 1992 - Piet Kee at Weingarten 1990 - The Biggs Bach Book Sacred Music of the Bach Family Bach Johann Michael Motets Cantatas / Depoutot