Joan Ambrosio Dalza

CDs Joan Ambrosio Dalza performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2002 - Fire and Ice Frottole from Venice

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2000 - O Lux Beata Renaissance Harp Music

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Special Interest, Pop, Classical

CDs Joan Ambrosio Dalza helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (36)

2017 - Petrucci Intavolature Di Liuto Spinacino Dalza

Genre: Classical
2008 - Live in Concert

Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2008 - Francesco Petrarca nelle musiche del primo Cinquecento

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2008 - Crai Crai Crai

2007 - The Da Vinci Collection Italian Music from the Time of Leonardo

2006 - Renaissance Favorites for Guitar

2006 - Alla Napoletana Villanesche Mascherate

2005 - La Conquista de Granada

2004 - Franciscus Bossinensis Petrarca ed il cantare a liuto

2004 - Music at the time of Leonardo da Vinci

2004 - Canti e Danze alla Corte Estense tra XV e XVI secolo
2003 - Castiglione Il Libro Del Cortegiano
2003 - The Art of the Lute The Best of Ronn McFarlane
2002 - Amours amours amours Duos for lutes
2002 - From a Spanish Palace Songbook Music from the Time of Christopher Columbus
2001 - Panorama Dances of the Renaissance
2000 - Adieu Mes Amours
2000 - Portrait
2000 - Early Venetian Lute Music
1999 - Fortuna Ensemble/Marchetto Cara
1999 - Barzellette North Italian Frottole of the Early 16th Century
1999 - Alla Venetiana Early Sixteenth Century Venetian Lute Music
1998 - Music for Mona Lisa
1998 - Lorenzo Il Magnifico Trionfo Di Bacco Carnival Songs
1997 - Los Ministriles Spanish Renaissance Wind Music
1997 - Instruments of Middle Ages
1997 - Tune Your Brain Music to Manage Your Mind Body and Mood (An Audio Companion to the Book by Elizabeth Miles)
1995 - The Art of the Lute
1995 - Canzoni e Danze Wind Music from Renaissance Italy
1995 - Philippe Chanel performs on Clavicord Sweelinck Cabezon Gabrieli and others
1995 - Music of the Italian Renaissance
1994 - Diversions
1994 - la Spagna 15th 16th 17th Centuries
1994 - La Serenissima Lute Music in Venice 1500-1600
1994 - The Renaissance Lute
Music From The Age Of Discovery