Jim Weiss

CDs Jim Weiss performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (34)

2005 - Greathall Productions Inc Presents GA Henty Short Story Collection Vol I

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Children's Music
2005 - Romeo Juliet

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Children's Music
2005 - Thomas Jefferson's America

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Children's Music
2005 - Twenty Thousand Leagues Unde

2005 - Masters of the Renaissance

2005 - Wulf the Saxon

2005 - Young Carthaginian

2005 - In the Reign of Terror

2005 - Cat of Bubastes

2004 - Famously Funny

2004 - Alincoln the Heart of Ame
2003 - Uncle Wiggly's Storybook
2003 - American Tall Tales
2003 - Adventures of Tom Sawyer
2002 - Queen's Pirate
2002 - Prince the Pauper
2001 - Jewish Holiday Stories
2000 - Jewish Holiday Stories Chan
2000 - Celtic Treasures
2000 - Heroes in Mythology Theseus
2000 - Treasure Island
2000 - Tell Me a Story
2000 - Best Loved Stories in Song Dance
2000 - Sweet Dreams
2000 - Rip Van Winkle/Gulliver's
2000 - Mystery Mystery
2000 - Shakespeare for Children
2000 - Spooky Classics
2000 - Tales from the Old Testament
2000 - Tales of Cultures Far and Near
2000 - She He Adventures in Myth
Heroes in Mythology Theseus Prometheus Odin (A Storyteller's Verion Series)
Sherlock Holmes for Children
Abraham Lincoln and the Heart of America

CDs Jim Weiss helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (5)

2015 - Nutcracker

Genres: Pop, Children's Music, Holiday & Wedding
2000 - A Christmas Carol and Other Favorites A Christmas Carol the Gift of the Magi Dick Spindler's Family Christmas

Genre: Children's Music
2000 - Giants A Colossal Collection of Tales and Tunes

Genres: Folk, Special Interest, Pop, Children's Music
2000 - The Three Musketeers Robin Hood

Animal Tales