Jeffrey Thomas

CDs Jeffrey Thomas performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (6)

2005 - Handel's Messiah American Bach Soloists

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2005 - J S Bach Harpsichord Concertos

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
1997 - Handel - La Resurrezione / L Saffer J Nelson P Spence J Thomas M George PBO McGegan

Genre: Classical
1996 - Handel - Theodora / Hunt-Lieberson PBO McGegan (Highlights)

1994 - American Bach Soloists Bach Cantatas Vol 2 Trauerode

1994 - American Bach Soloists Cantatas Volume III

CDs Jeffrey Thomas helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

1997 - Bach 6 Favourite Cantatas /Bach Ensemble Rifkin (BWV 147, 80, 140, 8, 51, 78)

Genre: Classical

Currently Unavailable CDs (20)

2019 - 101 Bach (6 CD)

Genre: Classical
2010 - Haydn Lord Nelson Mass (Mass In D Minor, HOB. XXII: 11)

Genre: Classical
2009 - 1685 and the Art of Ian Howell

Genre: Classical
2007 - Bach Brandenburg Concertos 4-6 American Bach Soloists Jeffrey Thomas (Vol 2 of 2)

2007 - Bach Brandenburg Concertos 1-3 American Bach Soloists Jeffrey Thomas (Vol 1)

2007 - Bach Mass in B Minor - CD ONE of TWO

2007 - Bach Mass in B Minor - CD TWO of TWO

2007 - What Sweeter Music - Carols for Christmas

2003 - Handel Susanna Theodora (Highlights)

2002 - Handel Messiah (Highlights)

1997 - American Bach Soloists Joseph Haydn Lord Nelson Mass Little
1997 - Gibbons Anthems Instrumental Works
1995 - Monteverdi Orfeo
1995 - Handel Susanna
1995 - Bach Solo Cantatas (BWV 51, 54, 55, 82)
1992 - Handel - Theodora / Hunt Minter Lane J Thomas D Thomas McGegan
1992 - La Resurrezione
1992 - Handel - Messiah / Hunt J Williams Spence Minter J Thomas W Parker PBO McGegan (Complete)
1992 - Handel - Susanna / Hunt Minter Feldman W Parker J Thomas D Thomas PBO McGegan
BachCantatas 51 140