Jay Blackton

CDs Jay Blackton performed on...

Currently Available CDs (1)

2001 - Oklahoma (1955 Film Soundtrack)

Genres: Pop, Soundtracks, Broadway & Vocalists

CDs Jay Blackton helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (8)

2009 - Wish You Were Here (Original Broadway Cast)

Genres: Pop, Soundtracks, Broadway & Vocalists
2008 - I Have Dreamed Doretta Morrow in the World of the Great Musicals and Operetas

Genres: Pop, Classical, Broadway & Vocalists
2007 - Guys and Dolls (Original Music from the Movie Soundtrack)

Genres: Pop, Soundtracks, Broadway & Vocalists
2006 - Brando Music and Highlights from his Movies

2005 - Inside USA / The Band Wagon

2005 - Great Broadway Shows

2002 - New York New York A Vintage Portrait

2000 - Athena / The Merry Widow / Everything I have is yours (1954 Film)