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Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
CDs Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck performed on...
Currently Unavailable CDs (5)
2003 -
Complete Keyboard Works
1999 -
Fitzwilliam Virginal Book
Special Interest, Classical
1996 -
Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1994 -
Drastic Measures
1993 -
Consort of Musicke by William Byrd Orlando Gibbons Sweelinck Fantasia in D
(The Glenn Gould Edition)
CDs Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck helped create...
Currently Available CDs (1)
1991 -
Xmas Music
Special Interest, Pop, Classical
Currently Unavailable CDs (93)
2018 -
The Sixteen A Renaissance Christmas
Opera & Classical Vocal
2018 -
For Glenn Gould
2016 -
Michael Kleinschmidt Recital at Saint Mark's Cathedral
New Age, Classical
2016 -
Early Choral Music at Trinity College Cambridge
2016 -
Bonjour and Willkommen - A Franco-German Debut
2015 -
Dutch Delight - Organ music from the Golden Age
2015 -
Ma jeune vie a une fin
2009 -
A Fantasy through Time
2009 -
The Last Schnitger Organ
2009 -
Angels Shepherds 17th Century Christmas
2008 -
Glory and Damnation
2008 -
Carole Terry plays the Watjen Concert Organ
2008 -
Sweenlinck Master of the Dutch Renaissance
2008 -
Stille Nacht
2008 -
Organ Works of Melchior Schildt
2008 -
Gustav Leonhardt Jubilee Edition
(Box Set)
2008 -
Sweelinck Choral Works Vol 2
2008 -
2007 -
2007 -
Sweelinck Choral Works Volume 1
2007 -
Preludes Fugues Variations
2007 -
Jewels of the Renaissance Era
2007 -
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck The Complete Keyboard Works
2007 -
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Choral Works of Sweelinck Vol 3
2007 -
Les Orgues Historiques
(Historic Organs)
2006 -
Sweelinck Ballo del Granduca
2006 -
Christmas Vespers at Westminster Cathedral
2006 -
Psalms from Geneva
2006 -
Les Plus Belles Orgues
2006 -
The Birds and the Springs
2006 -
Instruments of the Russell Collection Volume 1
2006 -
Krieg und Frieden 1568 1618 1648
2006 -
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Keyboard Works
2006 -
Dresdner Kreuzchor Legendary
(Box Set)
2006 -
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Harpsichord Music
2006 -
Organ in the Hills
2006 -
Songs and Music of the Reformation
2005 -
In the Old World and the New
2005 -
Sacred Bridges
2005 -
Ronsard et las Neerlandis
2005 -
Discover Music of the Baroque Era
2005 -
Sweelinck Organ Keyboard Music
2004 -
Choral Works of Sweelinck Vol 1
2004 -
Best Loved Christmas Carols
2004 -
Organ Recital
2004 -
Claviorgan Fireworks
2004 -
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck Cantiones Sacrae
2004 -
La Notte d'Amore
2004 -
Sweelinck - Der Organistenmacher
2003 -
Sweelinck Keyboard Music - Christopher Herrick plays the Organ of Norrfjarden Church Sweden
(2 CD Set)
2003 -
Cambridge Singers Christmas Album
2003 -
First Recordings Paris 1936-1948
2003 -
Music for Trumpet and Organ
2002 -
Pavana The Virgin Harpsichord
2002 -
Instruments from the Russell Collection
2002 -
Great European Organs No 61 - Roger Judd plays the Organs of St Laurenskerk Rotterdam - works by Gade Sweelinck Hurford Bohm Fricker Wellesz and Schumann
2002 -
Music from the Time of Rembrandt
2001 -
In Dialogue Vol 1
2001 -
Christmas Celebration
2001 -
Magic of Christmas
2001 -
L'Organo in Europa From Renaisance to Baroque
2000 -
Magic Flanders Recorder Quartet and Friends
2000 -
Twelve Organs of Edinburgh
2000 -
Baroque Music with Egbert Ennulat
2000 -
While Angels Sing
1999 -
Sweelinck Cantiones Sacrae Vol1
1999 -
Sweelinck Cantiones Sacrae 2 Nos 22-37
1998 -
Quink Ain't misbehavin
1998 -
Sing Choirs of Angels
1998 -
24 Prludes
1998 -
Sweelinck Organ Works
1998 -
The Great History of Belgian and Dutch Classical Music
1998 -
Motetten Alter Meister
1997 -
XXXIX Concorso Polifonico Internazionale Guido d'Arezzo 1991
1997 -
Wedding Motets
1997 -
Great European Organs No 42 Kristian Olesen Plays the Organ of Roskilde Cathedral Denmark
1996 -
Sanctus Baroque Music For The Nativity
1996 -
Four New American Organs by Bedient
1996 -
The Best Of The New York Woodwind Quintet Volume 1
1996 -
Recital Clavecin
1995 -
Baroque Organ Music Historic Organs of Bohemia Vol1 / Tuma
1995 -
Psalms of the French Reformation
1995 -
Renaissance Men
1995 -
Leonhardt Plays Baroque Music On Original Harpsichords from Italy Germany and the Netherlands
1995 -
Sweelinck Organ Works
1995 -
Historic Organ of Cholula Mexico
1995 -
From Evening to Evening with Gregorian Chant
1994 -
Sweelinck Pseaumes De David
(Psalms of David)
1994 -
1724 Cahman Organ in the Kristine Church
1994 -
Go From My Window Music for the Virginal
1992 -
1992 -
Piet Kee plays Buxtehude Sweelinck
Gercke-Herbst-Orgel zu Basedow-Christoph Krummacher