Jacob Heringman

CDs Jacob Heringman performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (6)

2009 - Royal Songbook Spanish Music From The Time Of Columbus

Genre: Classical
2004 - Jane Pickeringe's Lute Book /Heringman

Genres: New Age, Classical
2004 - The Art of the Lute Player

Genres: New Age, Classical
2003 - Romance of the Violin

2000 - Josquin Des Prez Sixteenth Century Lute Settings

1997 - Shakespeare's Musick / Pickett Musicians of the Globe (Songs & Dances from Shakespeare's Plays)

CDs Jacob Heringman helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (8)

2015 - Amores Pasados

Genre: Classical
2001 - Treasures From My Minde - Songs And Instrument Pieces By John Dowland / Virelai

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2000 - Black Cow Lute Music by Valentin Bakfark and Matthaus Waissel /Heringman

Genres: Pop, Rock, Classical
1999 - Airs De Cour

1999 - The French Ambassadors Music based on Holbein's 'The Ambassadors'

1998 - Dowland Consort Music and Songs

1997 - Mudarra Songs Solos for Vihuela Guitar

Renaissance Love Songs