Currently Available CDs (3) | Currently Unavailable CDs (178)2009 - Legenda Aurea Laudes des Saintes au Trecento Italien 2009 - Lirum Li Tronc 2009 - Hypnos 2009 - Organo di Grondona 2008 - A Laurel for Landini 2008 - Danses mdivales 2008 - A Medieval Christmas 2008 - Ceruti VpresSolennelles de Saint-Jean Baptiste 2008 - Crai Crai Crai 2008 - Ioculatores 2008 - Musica del XV Secolo in Italia 2008 - Danze Venete del Primo Cinquecento 2008 - Giuseppe Tartini Sonate a violino solo Aria del Tasso 2008 - The Troubadour and the Nun 2008 - A Chantar 2008 - Le Temple du Got 18th Century Music from Italy and France 2008 - Krummhorn cromorne storto tournebout 2007 - The Wonders of the World An English Mosaic (Hybrid SACD) 2007 - The Music of Kings 2007 - Classical Guitar 2007 - A La Via Street Music from the 13th to the 16th Century 2007 - Estampie Die Stimme des Mittelalters 2007 - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi Stabat Mater 2007 - Lamentazioni per la Settimana Santa 2007 - L'amore ostinato 2007 - Ave Donna Santissima Itinerario Musicale Intorno a Maria 2007 - Lebendige Vergangenheit Maria Caniglia Vol 2 2007 - Danze Strumentali Medievali Italiane Vol 2 A ogni sera stromenta a dana 2007 - Prima Voce Nina Koshetz 2006 - Let My Prayer Arise Orthodox Church Music 2006 - Laudate Pueri Baroque Christmas 2006 - Tarantelle del Rimorso 2006 - Gaude flore 2006 - Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger Libro secondo d'arie 2006 - Gothic Voices Gramophone Award Winners Collection 2006 - Orient - Occident 2006 - Danses de la Renaissance 2006 - Bestiarium Animals in the Music of the Middle Ages 2006 - Tradition et Avant-Garde -- Music from the Time of Dante 2006 - Comienca La Musica Para Guitar 2006 - From Byzantium to Andalusia Medieval Music and Poetry 2006 - Gregorian Chant 2006 - Music from the Time of the Crusades 2006 - Alla Napoletana Villanesche Mascherate 2005 - Delizie Napolitane 2005 - World of Lullabies 2005 - Laudate Pueri Baroque Christmas 2005 - Monteverdi Scherzi Musicali 2005 - Schiarazula Marazula -- Italian Dances of the Renaissance 2005 - The Art of the Recorder 2005 - Early Music for Meditation 2005 - Madame d'Amours Songs Dances Consort Music for the Six Wives of Henry VIII 2005 - The Ultimate Guitar Collection 2005 - Danze Strumentali Medieval Italiane 2005 - Il canto alla corte di Isabella d'Este 2004 - Franciscus Bossinensis Petrarca ed il cantare a liuto 2004 - Dialogue for Two Organs 2004 - Jerry Willard Plays 2004 - Harp Music of the Italian Renaissance 2004 - Quem Queritis Un dramma Liturgico nella Firenze Medievale 2004 - Early Music for Recorders and Harp 2004 - Cavalieri Lamentations /Le Poeme Harmonique Dumestre 2004 - La Bella Noeva 2004 - Stefano Landi Homo fugi velut umbra 2004 - Sonate Al Pizzico 2004 - Magdalena -- Medieval Songs for Mary Magdalene 2004 - La Notte d'Amore 2004 - Nebbiu Sacred Songs 2004 - Canti e Danze alla Corte Estense tra XV e XVI secolo 2004 - Regina Pretiosa Una Celebrazione Mariana del Trecento Fiorentino 2004 - L'Arbre de Mai Chansons dances au temps de Guillaume Dufay 2004 - Istanpitta Danses florentines du Trecento 2003 - Music for Two Organs from the 18th and 19th Centuries 2003 - El Canto de la Sibilla I II El Cancionero Cantigas (Box Set) 2003 - Monastic Chant 12th 13th C European Sacred Music 2003 - A Song for Francesca Music in Italy 1330-1430 2003 - Tra Sacro e Profano 2003 - Early Italian Harpsichord Music (1502-1670) 2003 - Istanpitta Musiques de Fte la Cour des Visconti 2003 - Il Laudario Cortonese No 91 XIIIes 2003 - The Guitarist 2003 - Nuove Laudi Ariose della Beatissima Vergine 2003 - Magdalena Medieval Songs for Mary Magdalen 2003 - Codes Las Huelgas 13th Century Spanish Sacred Vocal Music 2003 - Castiglione Il Libro Del Cortegiano 2003 - Canoro Pianto di Maria Vergine sopra la faccia di Christi Estinto 2003 - Laulu Vim The Power of Song 2003 - A L'Estampida 2003 - O Roma Nobilis Music Songs Voices of a Medieval Pilgrimage 2003 - Nova Metamorfosi 2003 - All' Italiana 2003 - La Bella Noeva 2002 - Tracce della tradizione orale in manoscritti italiani del XIV XV sec (Traces of the Oral Tradition in 14th and 15th Century Manuscripts) 2002 - La Camerata de Paris Moyen Age 2002 - Mede fu Ballades ballate 2002 - Vergine Bella Italian Renaissance Music 2001 - Historic Organs of Portland 2001 - Music for a Medieval Banquet 2001 - Festa Napoletana 2001 - Dolce Vita 2001 - Acantus Sacred Songs of Medieval Italy 2001 - Panorama Dances of the Renaissance 2001 - La Lira d'Espria 2001 - Emilio de' Cavalieri Lamentations 2000 - Magic Flanders Recorder Quartet and Friends 2000 - Firenze Medicea 2000 - Canzoni Veneziane 2000 - The Glory of Early Music 2000 - Cross of Red - Music of Love War from the Time of the Crusades 2000 - Italy 2000 - The World of Early Music 2000 - Patchwork 2000 - A doi tenori / Boterf Ragon (Duetti da chiesa nella Roma del Primo Seicento) 1999 - Landini and Italian Ars Nova 1999 - Time of the Dawn Medieval Renaissance Music 1999 - Schiarazula Marazula 1999 - TuTu pan pan (A Piper's Journey Through Medieval Europe) 1999 - Home to Thanksgiving 1999 - Barzellette North Italian Frottole of the Early 16th Century 1999 - Fortuna Ensemble/Marchetto Cara 1999 - Sweet Follia 1999 - Asturias The Art of the Guitar 1999 - Ars Nova Il Trecento - Italian music in the 14th Century 1999 - Archguitar Renaissance 1999 - Insula Feminarum - Resonances Mdivales de la Fminit Celte (Sounds of Medieval Celts) 1999 - Renaissance Winds 1999 - Napolitane Villanelle arie moresche Vol 7 (1350-1570) 1999 - Salterio 1999 - Il Cantar Moderno 1998 - Andres Segovia his contemporaries Vol 4 1998 - Constantin Lifschitz en concert Montral 1998 - Music for Mona Lisa 1998 - Codex Faenza Instrumental Music of the Early 15th Century 1998 - Early Music Festival / David Munrow Early Music Consort 1998 - The Renaissance Album (Windham Hill) 1998 - The Recorder 4 Centuries of Recorder Music 1998 - Amor de Lonh The Distant Love of the Troubadours 1998 - Lorenzo Il Magnifico Trionfo Di Bacco Carnival Songs 1997 - The Medieval Lady 1997 - The Dante Troubadours 1997 - O Fortuna 1996 - Gothic Winds 1996 - Shining Light Music from Aquitanian Monasteries 1996 - Early Music Collection 1996 - Istanpitta II 1996 - Renaissance Music at the Court in Heidelberg 1996 - Close Encounters in Early Music Le Temps des Legendes Medieval and Renaissance Music from Byzantium Spain Italy France Flanders Russia 1996 - D'Amor Cantando - 14th Century Venetian Madrigals and Ballads 1996 - Crusaders in nomine domini 1996 - Treasury of Elizabethan Music 1995 - Francesco Corteccia Firenze 1539 - Musiche fatte nelle nozze 1995 - Ave Eva Songs Of Womanhood From The 12th And 13th Centuries 1995 - Lucente Stella 1995 - An Introduction to Early Music 1995 - Laude Medieval Italian Spiritual Songs 1995 - Canzonetta 16c Canzoni Instrumental Dances - The King's Noyse / Paul O'Dette 1995 - A Women's Celebration of Chant Harmony 1994 - Chominciamento di gioia Virtuoso dance-music from the time of Boccaccio's Decamerone 1994 - 16th Century Italian French Dance Music 1994 - Sui palchi delle stelle 1994 - Skogen Flickan och Flaskan 1994 - The Renaissance Lute 1993 - A Song for Francesca 1993 - With Joyful Voice Christmas Music of Eight Centuries (Box Set) 1993 - Joyaux de la Musique Ancienne (Jewels of Early Music) 1992 - Music for Harp 1991 - The Pleasures of the Royal Courts Codes Las Huelgas 13th Century Spanish Scared Vocal Music