Zu, Spaceways Inc., & Ken Vandermark kick out the jams!
Peter E. Johansen | 11/11/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm just shocked that no one has reviewed this yet. This has got to be one of the most unique sounding jazz / heavy rock hybrids I've ever heard. The first five tracks (Ken Vandermark with Zu) brings to mind Crescent-era Coltrane jamming with Black Sabbath, but with an avant-funk edge reminiscent of James "Blood" Ulmer's Revelation Music Ensemble. The baritone sax player Luca Mai deftly moves from taking the rhythm section even deeper into his own satisfying freak-outs. The second half of the disc (Zu and Spaceways Inc., which features Ken Vandermark and Hamid Drake) vacillates from some abrasive moments to some rather orchestrated sounding parts as they burn through two Parliament tunes and one of my favorite Art Ensemble of Chicago songs - Theme De Yoyo - before doing Sun Ra justice by brining together "We Travel the Spaceways" and "Space is the Place." If this kind of thing appeals to you, then you can't go wrong here."