
CDs Import-Fra performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (28)

2000 - L'Esprit Montmartrois 1900-20 Chanson Francaise

Genres: International Music, Pop
2000 - 24 Heures De Nos Vies

Genre: International Music
2000 - United Voices of Africa

Genre: International Music
2000 - Anthology of Ede Music Children of Master Heaven

1999 - Supreme Orient

1999 - Bossa Tres Jazz

1999 - Parfums De Mediterranee

1998 - Olympia 1970

1998 - Vol 2-100 Percent Rai

1998 - 100 Percent Afrique

1998 - Vol 2-Welcome to Orientale Se
1998 - Afro Cuban Grooves Vol 03
1998 - Salegy
1997 - Vol 2-Jet'aimea Mourir
1997 - Vol 3-Jet'aimea Mourir
1997 - 100 Rai
1997 - Welcome to Orientales Sensations
1997 - Je t Aime a Mourir Vol 01
1997 - Entre Sourire Et Larmes
1997 - House Collection
1997 - Northern Vietnam Music Songs of the Minorities
1997 - Les Bains Douches
1997 - Afro Cuban Grooves Vol 02
1997 - Dance D or 97 Midem
1997 - Le Plus Grand Zouk
1997 - Mazouk Bel Heritage
1995 - Children's Songs From Around The World Vol 4
1995 - Blues Collection Fireworks