| Capella Antiqua Munchen, Choralschola, Ruhland Hymnen Genre: Classical
Track Listings (18) - Disc #1- Te decet laus, Te decet hymnus, doxological hymn in mode 1
- Gloria in excelsis Deo, grand doxology, hymn to the angels
- Aeterne rerum conditor (Eternal Maker of things!)
- Inventor rutili, hymn for the lighting of the Easter fire
- Mediae noctis tempus est (It is time of Midnight)
- A solis ortus cardine, hymn in mode 3 (Liber Usualis No. 400)
- Gloria laus et honor, hymn for the Procession
- Sancti, venite, Christus corpus
- Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor, caritas song to the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday
- Pange lingua gloriosi, hymn in mode 4
- Hic est dies, verus Dei, hymn for the Easter liturgy of Milan
- Beata nobis gaudia, hymn
- Ave Maris stella, hymn for the Assumption of Mary in mode 1 (Liber Cantualis No. 73)
- Ut queant laxis, hymn in mode 2 (Liber Usualis No. 1504)
- Aurea luce, hymn for vespers at the feast of Saints Peter and Paul
- Urbs Jerusalem, hymn in mode 4 (Liber Usualis, No. 1865)
- Urbs Jerusalem, hymn in mode 4 (Liber Usualis, No. 1865)
- Alleluia, dulce carmen, farewell to the alleluia for Lent