Howard Crook

CDs Howard Crook performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (11)

2005 - Christmas Oratorio (Weihnachtsoratorium)

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2001 - Telemann - Das befreite Israel / Hermann Max

Genres: Pop, Classical
2000 - Bach - Ich hatte viel Bekmmernis Cantatas 21 42 / Schlick Lesne Crook Harvey Kooy La Chapelle Royale Collegium Vocale Herreweghe

Genre: Classical
1999 - JS Bach The Most Beautiful Cantatas

1999 - Henry Du Mont Motets pour la Chapelle de Louis XIV / Olivier Schneebeli

1999 - Rameau - Pygmalion Nle et Myrthis / Crook Piau Mellon Michel-Dansac Corras Semellaz Pelon Les Arts Florissants Christie

1996 - Lambert - Leons de Tnbres / Brett Crook Rime Stutzmann

1996 - From Lully to Rameau

1993 - Lully - Armide / Laurens Crook Gens Rime Deletr Ragon Collegium Vocale La Chappel Royale Herreweghe

1992 - Lully Grands Motets - Dies Irae Miserere /La Chapelle Royale Herreweghe

1990 - Handel - Messiah / Augr von Otter Chance Crook Tomlinson English Concert Pinnock

CDs Howard Crook helped create...

Currently Available CDs (3)

2006 - Monteverdi Vespro della beata Vergine / Herreweghe

Genre: Classical
1992 - Bach Motets /La Chapelle Royale Herreweghe

Genre: Classical
Bach Mass in B Minor (Messe in H-Moll)

Currently Unavailable CDs (45)

2008 - Bach Trauerode

Genre: Classical
2007 - Georg Philipp Telemann Drei sind die da zeugen im Himmel

Genre: Classical
2007 - Jean-Baptiste Lully Thse

Genre: Classical
2007 - Les Premiers Opra Franais - Les Ftes de l'Amour et de Bacchus Pomone (Lully ou le Musiciens du Soleil, Vol. VI)

2007 - Lully Grands Motets

2006 - Concert de Danse

2006 - Lully - Acis Galate / Fouchcourt Gens Naouri Crook Delunsch Felix Masset Les Musiciens du Louvre Minkowski

2006 - Gossec Requiem

2005 - M-A Charpentier - Le Malade imaginaire (1+1)

2005 - Dumont Motets pour la Chapelle du Roy

2004 - Bach Cantatas Masses
2003 - Rameau Castor Pollux Churs et danses
2002 - JS Bach Cantatas 39 73 93 105 107 131
2002 - Bach Cantatas Masses
2002 - De Lalande - Grand Motets (Beati quorum remissae sunt · Quam dilecta · Audite caeli)
2002 - Telemann Danziger Cantatas
2002 - Bach Cantates BWV 21 42
2002 - Purcell - The Fairy Queen / Hunt Pierard Bickley Crook Padmore Wilson-Johnson Wistreich Schtz Choir LCP Norrington
2002 - Motets
2001 - Purcell Odes to Queen Mary /Choir Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Leonhardt
2001 - Gossec Grande Messe des Morts / Symphonie 17 parties
2001 - J M Bach Friedens-Cantata
2000 - Bach Magnificat Ascension Oratorio
2000 - Bach Magnificat BWV 243 Easter Oratorio BWV 249 Lobet Gott BWV 11 Christ lag BWV 4 Nun is das Heil BWV 50
1999 - Concert de Danse
1998 - Bach Cantatas 39/73/93/105/107/131 / Herreweghe Collegium Vocale
1997 - Mass in B Minor
1996 - Purcell Airs Duets
1995 - Jean-Marie Leclair Scylla Et Glaucus (Highlights)
1994 - Jean Philippe Rameau La Danse/Le Berger Fidle (L'Amour regne...)
1994 - Lully - Phaton / Crook Smith Yakar Gens Thruel Fouchcourt Naouri Huttenlocher Les Musiciens du Louvre Minkowski
1994 - Angels' Visits Other Vocal Gems of Victorian America
1994 - Schtz - Musikalische Exequien / Mellon de Reyghere Zanetti Crook Fouchcourt Lamy Machart Kooy Lika La Chappelle Royale Herreweghe
1993 - Boyce Solomon A Serenata /Mills Crook Parley of Instruments Goodman (English Orpheus, Vol 2)
1992 - Du Mont Motets pour la chapelle du roy / Herreweghe La Chapelle Royale
1992 - Rameau - Les Indes galantes / Les Arts Florissants Christie
1992 - Leclair Scylla Et Glaucus
1992 - Bach Matthus-Passion BWV 244 /Crook Cold Schlick Jacobs Blockwitz Kooy Chappelle Royale Collegium Vocale Herreweghe
1992 - St John's Passion
1992 - Bach Grand Motets
1991 - Bach Arias and Choruses from the St Matthew Passion
1990 - GillesRequiem
1989 - Handel Messiah / Arias Choruses / Trevor Pinnock (Archiv)
Great Baroque Masters Jean Baptiste Lully
Lully Armide