
CDs Housemartins performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (14)

2009 - London O Hull 4 (Dlx)

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Pop, Rock
2009 - London 0 Hull 4

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Pop, Rock
2009 - People Who Grinned Themselves to Death

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Pop, Rock
2008 - Soup

2007 - London O Hull 4

2006 - Live at the BBC

2004 - Best of (Bonus Dvd)

2004 - Best of

2004 - Best Of Housemartins

1996 - Now That's What i Call Quite Good

1992 - Now That's What I Call Quite Good
1990 - The People Who Grinned Themselves To Death
1990 - London 0 Hull 4
Best of

CDs Housemartins helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

2004 - People Who Grinned Themselves

Genres: Alternative Rock, International Music, Pop, Rock