| Sir David Willcocks, Ralph Vaughan Williams Hodie: A Christmas Cantata / Fantasia on Christmas Carols Genres: Opera & Classical Vocal, Classical, Holiday & Wedding
Track Listings (17) - Disc #1- Fantasia on Christmas Carols for baritone, chorus & orchestra
- No. 1, "Nowell! Nowell!, prologue (Vespers for Christmas)
- No. 2, "Now the Birth of Jesus Christ (narration (St. Matthew I & St. L
- No. 3, "It was the winter wild", Song (Milton's Hymn on the Morning of
- No. 4, "And it came to pass in those days" narration (St. Luke II)
- No. 5, "The Blessed Son of God", Choral (Coverdale after Luther)
- No. 6, "And there were in the same country", narration (St. Luke & the
- No. 7, "The Oxen": "Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock"
- No. 8, "And the shepherds returned", narration
- No. 9, "The Shepherds Sing", pastoral
- No. 10, "But Mary kept all these things", narration (St. Luke II)
- No. 11, "Sweet was the song", lullaby
- No. 12, "Bright portals of the sky", hymn
- No. 13, "Now when Jesus was born", narration (St. Luke II)
- No. 14, "The March of the Three Kings"
- No. 15, "No sad thought his soul affright", choral
- No. 16, "In the beginning", epilogue (John I & Milton's Hymn on the Mor